Niagara Falls Reporter visits the 'Spike'


Niagara Falls Reporter | November 8, 2005


By David Staba

Las Vegas smells.

Not "stinks," mind you, or "reeks," or any other verb that conveys a purely foul odor.

But it definitely smells.

It first hit me upon stepping into the small casino at the Gold Spike, the hotel in downtown Vegas where I spent a week overlapping the end of October and the beginning of this month.

You can't limit it to any one of the strong scents with which most of us are all too familiar -- stale cigarette smoke, untreated body odor, various bodily excretions, rotting meat, food favored by assorted ethnicities, or the refineries near the South Grand Island Bridge.

And it certainly isn't flowers.

At first, I thought it might just be "the Spike," as the primarily local crowd that plays the $2 blackjack tables and variety of inexpensive slots housed there shorthands it.

...continued -

Felix Rue-de-Guerre

Well-Known Member
From Both Sides

Halloween marked my 16th trip to Las Vegas since I started playing Blackjack. I never kept track of how many times I visited Niagra Falls. It would be impossible. But I have probably been there about 50 times or so.

--I have been hit on by prostitutes only 3 times in LV. (plus one creepy homosexual advance on a CAT bus).

--I have been hit on by prostitutes twice near Clifton Hill!!! (The Niagara Falls "Strip")

Now, Take into account the tens of miles I walk after dark in LV, and the reputation LV has for hookers. Then, weigh that against the reputation that Niagra Falls has as a family destination, and the fact that I typically only walk from one of the casinos to my Motel. I'm suprised the author has never noticed that there are hookers in Niagara Falls.

"I journeyed a couple more blocks to the Western. Dark carpeting and darker paneling quickly extracted any sense of the brightening day outside."

Yes!! The carpeting there is so dark as to be invisible!!!!

