No Hole Card...

Hey everybody. I am new here! Where I play, most casinos don’t have a hole card. How does the game change then with regards to:

- Edge
- Basic Strategy
- Deviations (Illustrious 18 etc... any else?)
- Counting
- Surrender allowed
- DAS, Split aces again, H17, ENHC
- Dealer takes only first bet when doubled vs A

Thank you!
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Well-Known Member
A no hole card game's strategy can essentially be the same as a hole card game depending on how the dealer treats your splits and doubles if in fact the dealer makes a blackjack.
You mentioned that the game was ENHC but then they only take your original bet if they end up with a BJ.
ENHC is when the dealer will take all bets on the table when they make BJ, so you will never split or double against 10 or A with the only exception being you still split AA vs 10.
If the game is OBO (original bets only) the dealer will only take your original bet if you had split or doubled and the dealer ended up with a bj, so the game can be treated just the same as a hole card game and you will use the same basic strategy.
Another type of game is OBBO (original and busted bets only) if the dealer ends up with a bj, they will take your original bet plus any hands that have busted after splitting, so doubling against 10 or A is ok when the index calls for it but splitting is not advised unless it is AA vs 10
Hope i have explained this all correctly