No more playing tired

What a bad day/night session. Played for 10 hours straight (after playing 3 hours the night before), was up $1500, walked out of the place down $1300. That alone is no big deal, worst part is I caught myself making mistakes half asleep at the table. And one thing I know about being tired: if you are tired and catching your own mistakes, there are always other mistakes you are not catching. The mind cannot analyze itself. I've got to figure out some way to work around this.


Well-Known Member
don't lose sight of the scenario that...

you're continually batting against a fresh pitcher and umpire. besides having pockets that drag on the ground, the joints have a deep bench.

your sleep/sharpness is but another limitation to your play, same as your count's strength.


Active Member

Yeah... I am learning to deal with this. Max session length is 3 hours.

But don't feel bad. I lost $2500 in the first 15 minutes yesterday.

The answer to your problem

The answer to your problem is contained in the title of your post.

I actually use this 'problem' to my advantage:

I adjust my internal clock. Wake up late at night refreshed, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, and then go hit the graveyard shift dealers in the early AM trying to keep their eyes open before they get off work. Shortly followed by the day shift dealers, rubbing the early morning sleep out of their eyes. Then I break for lunch around 9:00 AM.
Wow that is bad

I'm good for 6-8 hours at a time it seems. Also my act calls for drinking so I have to compensate for that too. Maybe I'll only drink late in a session, because alcohol can be more fatiguing as it's wearing off than it is while drinking it.

That's a fast loss there. Takes me 1-2 hours to lose that much usually. But I'll be back at it tonight.

Good idea to sleep first.

I typically have a 3 - 5 hour drive to play. I come home from work on Friday and go right to sleep. I get up at 1 or 2 a.m. so I can be there by 4 or 5. Or, If I can't make it there by about 5 a.m., I leave right from work, get a motel and wake up at about 4:30. This strategy leaves me well rested until about 9 or 10, then I have to play it by ear.

I call these early sessions my "Fishing trips", Except I'm fishing for money!



Well-Known Member
Sounds like that loss I had

It depends what kind of game you are playing. It sounds like you were playing single or double deck, feeb. I did the same thing on double deck a few weeks ago. It messed me up.