Odd dealer sidebet 21+ error exploitable?

So one of the dealers was NOT settling the pokerhand sidebet 21+3 before the action started around the felt......dust he went thru the actual the spilts the doubles and only then settled the side bet payouts at the very end showdown.

Also in a split situation they allow doubling with your first card retaining the initial side bet. I’m calculating incredible +EV on actually drawing for the poker hands...

so on a a JdKs against a a dealer ten of diamond sbowing I’m at I’m credibly amazing EV to eve split 10’a against a10 that way I’m drawing to an open ended straight flush draw...am I missing something t or is this dealer just not following mechanics of the game.Thanks,

In my experience they are supposed to settle this side bet before the players take any actions. If this dealer isn't trained properly and isn't settling it until the end of the hand, they might be open to being confused and paying your hand as a winner if you've split and formed a poker winning hand.

I'm not going to do the maths, but I expect the EV could be decent depending on how easily confused the dealer is, and what you need to do in order to get them to make this payout error.

If they are making procedural errors I expect it won't be long before they are corrected, or dismissed. Also if security are paying attention you might be required to repay winnings. Good luck if you decide to make something of this.