Odds of getting 7,7,7

What are the odds of getting the following hand:

My friend and I had a quick game of blackjack / 21.

I got dealt pocket 7's. I then 'hit' and got another 7, making my hand 21.

Whats the odds on getting a hand of 7,7,7 ?



Staff member
It depends on how many decks. Assuming single deck, the probability that the next three cards dealt will be sevens:

4/52 * 3/51 * 2/50 = 0.000180995

That's one in 5525 hands.
I see 7 7 7 get hit all the time. I usually just play blackjack during bonus hands at the Indian Casino near my house and 7 7 7 gets paid an extra $250. I hit it during bonus hands last time I was there and my cousin hit it the last time she was there and it was her first time playing.