Meetings at Casino Raise Questions
# Some say it looks bad for L.A. County sheriff's officials, who enforce gaming laws, to hold gatherings at Commerce gambling hall.
By Stuart Pfeifer, Times Staff Writer
Gamblers at the Commerce Casino's high-limit Texas Hold 'Em tables didn't appear to notice as armed sheriff's deputies shuffled past them on their way toward a red-carpeted stairwell. Some deputies were in uniform, guns holstered at their waists or strapped to their thighs...
(Dead link:,0,2826154.story?coll=la-home-local)
# Some say it looks bad for L.A. County sheriff's officials, who enforce gaming laws, to hold gatherings at Commerce gambling hall.
By Stuart Pfeifer, Times Staff Writer
Gamblers at the Commerce Casino's high-limit Texas Hold 'Em tables didn't appear to notice as armed sheriff's deputies shuffled past them on their way toward a red-carpeted stairwell. Some deputies were in uniform, guns holstered at their waists or strapped to their thighs...
(Dead link:,0,2826154.story?coll=la-home-local)