

Well-Known Member
what penetration increase will have a greater % increase on your EV....increasing penetration from 4.5/6 to 5/6 or increasing penetration from 5/6 to 5.5/6???

Dog Hand

Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
what penetration increase will have a greater % increase on your EV....increasing penetration from 4.5/6 to 5/6 or increasing penetration from 5/6 to 5.5/6???
Not even close! As pen increases, it becomes even more valuable.

For example, consider a 6D, S17, DAS game. If you use a 1-16 spread and play all, Don Schlesinger's incomparable Blackjack Attack 3, Table 10.36 gives the following SCOREs:

4.5/6 SCORE=24.44
5.0/6 SCORE=40.17
5.5/6 SCORE=73.01

Thus, increasing pen from 4.5 to 5.0 increases the SCORE by 15.73 (nice), but increasing pen from 5.0 to 5.5 increases the SCORE by an additional 32.84 (outstanding!).

Other rule sets show similar gains.

Hope this helps!

Dog Hand