Pitch game?

Being new at blackjack I have come across some terms I dont understand, I usually just look stuff up on google or something, but I cant find out what the term Pitch game means.

I appreciate any help

Indices are numbers that you use "when counting cards" to vary your strategy based on the count.
A couple of examples are to take insurance at +3 and stand with 10-5 vs dealers 10, at +4.

The Illustrious 18 ( Don Schlesinger's ) are the ones that help the most.


Well-Known Member
Is it true that indicies change according to which counting system you are using? You have to learn different indicies for different systems, right?


Well-Known Member
You can get an illustrious 18 for other counting methods. I think in Blackwood's book he offers one for both hi-lo and another for hi-optII