Poll questions -- your input requested

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
I will be including a new poll on this site each month. The "what system do you use" poll is not a new idea. I would like some creative input on possible poll questions. I have thought of some weird ones:

1) what is the most you every won from a casino playing blackjack in a day?

2) what is the most you have won from playing blackjack in a year?

3) how many times have you been barred/backed-off?

This is just getting started. Your ideas are appreciated. And, if I like it, you bet it will be in a poll appearing soon.


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
It looks like I will be coming up with these on my own.

That should be fun :cool:

Let's see,

your favorite progression system is...
the seat that wins the most is...
john patrick is a...

Yes, it will be fun,



seriously - how do you invoke good luck when you gamble - coin, perfume, talisman (rabbit foot, etc) clothing item, prayer-mantra-positive thinking, feng shui, none, etc.



perhaps also in the poll, would include-
-ever done team play
-how many days straight have you won without a loss
Good idea though,keep us updated.