

Say if i am keep losing the minimal bet $ 5 one and after another 10 hands after i am losing $50. Finally, counts are high how much should i bet? if the true count is 2, do i still only bet 10 bucks since my min is $5 ? then what? thats not going to help me come back...


Active Member
you'd be suprised

yes, you would bet $10 if the TC was 2, and that will help you balance things out, because even in the unlikely event of you losing ten hands in a row, you would only need to win five at $10 to get your money back, and that doesn't include betting more if the count goes up. This is also why you need a big bankroll, so you can ride out the downswings and keep plugging away until you finally see black. If you were to bet anything higher on a TC of 2 you would be losing even more than when you were betting $5 because the odds aren't right for you to bet more money. Card counting is all about patience and discipline. Don't throw out an unwise bet just because you want to make money quicker. The only ways in card counting to make money faster is to play more hands or bet more, and in order to bet more you need to have the bankroll to support it. Just stick to the game plan and the money will come to you as long as you're counting accuratly.


only $10??

Wait. I thought using plus/minus, if the TC is 1, you double your bet and if it was 2, you triple your bet, etc... Way wouldn't it be a $15 bet at +2??


Active Member
it depends

on how aggressive your betting strategy is. If it's single or double deck then an increase to 2 units at +1 is probably the way to go, but if it's a shoe game the odds are just about even at +1, so you would want to wait until you got an advantage before you started increasing your bets.


what about tripling, etc?

That really changes the way I've been doing things. So if I should not double until +2, when should I triple and quadruple my betting in a multiple deck shoe?


Active Member
at +3 and +4

blackjack said:
That really changes the way I've been doing things. So if I should not double until +2, when should I triple and quadruple my betting in a multiple deck shoe?
just remember you're only "tripling" and "quadrupuling" your original bet, so it would be:

$5 at 0 and +1

$10 at +2

$15 at +3

$20 at +4