Rob McGarvey

So sad,

Here was a world-class pro. Completely accessable to any first-day beginner. Giving so much of his knowlege for free just for the asking.

I always thought that was incredibly cool. I remember the first
time Rob posted (on the old message board, I think) a couple of years back.

The Mayor welcomed him and asked if he would tell a little more about who he was. I was pretty impressed with his credentials... the book and all. He was much of the reason I hung around for advice. He lent his credibility here. He was part of the success of this board, and therefore part of my success.

Thank You Mr. McGarvey,



Well-Known Member

Just curious as to the cause of his demise. Some posts indicated something about a "pericardial window"....this would imply a "malignant effusion". "Rob" , ie Rob McGarvey was who I meant.

Will certainly miss his posts!

Terminal negative flux

I heard there was a mass pressing against the heart that needed to be removed in a bad way. Rob I believe was 42, has had lung removed due to cancer and also bypass surgery at an early age, easy to see why things wouldn't be right inside the chest cavity. That's what I call bad variance. I'm almost that age, never been sick and I don't even go to the doctor. I was thinking about this the other night when the dealer rolled three face BJ's in a row against my big bets, and realized just how lucky I am.