Shreveport, LA Games


New Member
I noticed that the Eldorado, Shreveport had several single deck games with a $15 minimum on 02/22/2011. Anyone know the rules for these games?


Well-Known Member
You can purchase an online copy of Current Blackjack News at the Stanford Wong website for $13. This is probably the most up-to-date publication in print, concerning game conditions everywhere.

An easier way of finding out: Call the casino, have the operator transfer you to the BJ pit; and ASK someone on the floor. They're usually very happy to answer all questions. (Probably not a good idea to ask them about penetration, though. :laugh:)


Well-Known Member
The SD game at El Dorado is 6/5 BJ payoff and doubling restrictions- only on 10 and 11. (I think it's also H17 <---- can't say for sure because once I saw it was 6/5 I lost all interest----btw their 6D shoe games are S17, DAS, DOA RSA, NS)


Well-Known Member
Best thing about El Dorado is allowing players to play multiple spots at table minimum instead of usual 2x min.
Check Sams 6 deck w/ LS.


New Member

Thanks for the replys! Yes, I didn't notice the 6/5 posting on the table? I wasn't really playing, I was wandering around waiting for a Slot T. session. It kind of figures those! I haven't played BJ in a long time. But, I remember playing a single deck in Vegas once and enjoyed it so I had to ask!
Thanks again all!


New Member
Spellin corr.

Thanks for the replys! Yes, I didn't notice the 6/5 posting on the table? I wasn't really playing, I was wandering around waiting for a Slot T. session. It kind of figures though! I haven't played BJ in a long time. But, I remember playing a single deck in Vegas once and enjoyed it so I had to ask!
Thanks again all!