Single deck BJ online


New Member

First post so be gentle ;-)

Some online casinos (like Eurobet) offer Single Deck game (S17, DO9+, No DAS). The strategy engine on this site shows that the casino edge would be 0.11% in that game.

You can play 3 hands at a time - so I assume you get to see 7 cards before starting to make decisions.

Any system / count / variation from basic strategy that will make this +EV?

Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
I doubt you could get it +ev. But even if you could, you're talking about maybe a tenth of a percent. Why not just go play +ev video poker, or count cards?


New Member
because when you play online the computer can play for you?

online video poker with +ev does not exist anymore, any casinos that make it available get tired with losing few hundred $$ a day real quick and get rid of it shortly after.

I join in on the question, I have been playing with the thought of counting cards for single deck blackjack online...

when you play online the computer can do your counting for you, meaning it's 100% pure & accurate count.

I do not know of any single deck games with 0.11% edge, most also have a no peek rule which totals at 0.22 edge.

I was thinking of betting 1 dollar on the first 2 hands and say 10 on the third hand.

also there are insurance bets that can get +ev with just counting the first 2 cards of each hand, but it's not enough for a suffciently high total +ev.

so any other take on it? no way you can get a positive and satisfying +ev?


Well-Known Member
Isiudor said:
because when you play online the computer can play for you?

online video poker with +ev does not exist anymore, any casinos that make it available get tired with losing few hundred $$ a day real quick and get rid of it shortly after.

I join in on the question, I have been playing with the thought of counting cards for single deck blackjack online...

when you play online the computer can do your counting for you, meaning it's 100% pure & accurate count.

I do not know of any single deck games with 0.11% edge, most also have a no peek rule which totals at 0.22 edge.

I was thinking of betting 1 dollar on the first 2 hands and say 10 on the third hand.

also there are insurance bets that can get +ev with just counting the first 2 cards of each hand, but it's not enough for a suffciently high total +ev.

so any other take on it? no way you can get a positive and satisfying +ev?
There might be a way, but youd have to have a ridiculously small unit. Like divide your bankroll into 1500 units. And the site might ban you for playing BS for hours a day, every day, even if they don't figure out your computer was playing.