Soaring Eagle


Well-Known Member
cgy606 said:
Dude, you need to learn to read between the lines. I didn't say you can beat a 6/5 game with 30% pen (you need at least 50% pen with a 1-12 spread min and the ability to jump bets at least 4-5X between rounds). What I did say is that you will get a higher frequency of favorable counts because it is a single deck. That doesn't mean they will be as profitable because a SD game is more volatile, now you see it, now you don't. In a shoe game, you have to bet, and bet, and bet, until once out of every 3 or 4 shoes a count develops. But when it does, it lasts.
30% pen is 17 cards. Good luck with that. You're going to need it...especially playing 6/5.


21gunsalute said:
30% pen is 17 cards. Good luck with that. You're going to need it...especially playing 6/5.
Wow, it is hard to believe that you are an AP and can't read!!! I said you need at least 50% pen (and a 1-12 spread with jumps) which would be 26 cards (I hope your math is good but just in case it isn't I got 26 by dividing 52 by 2 or multiplying 52 by 0.5) NOT 17!!! Please do not comment further on "what you believe about this game", rather would such a spread and jumps cause heat on a SD 6:5 game.


Active Member
cgy606 said:
Wow, it is hard to believe that you are an AP and can't read!!! I said you need at least 50% pen (and a 1-12 spread with jumps) which would be 26 cards (I hope your math is good but just in case it isn't I got 26 by dividing 52 by 2 or multiplying 52 by 0.5) NOT 17!!! Please do not comment further on "what you believe about this game", rather would such a spread and jumps cause heat on a SD 6:5 game.
Am I missing something? Why are you so angry?


Well-Known Member
cgy606 said:
I was wondering, if I wanted to spread vary wildly at a 6:5 SD game (like 1-12 or 1-16), how much heat would I get?
cgy606 said:
Please do not comment further on "what you believe about this game", rather would such a spread and jumps cause heat on a SD 6:5 game.
I'll bite (and I hope you don't bite back :laugh:)

It depends.....


Well-Known Member
cgy606 said:
Wow, it is hard to believe that you are an AP and can't read!!! I said you need at least 50% pen (and a 1-12 spread with jumps) which would be 26 cards (I hope your math is good but just in case it isn't I got 26 by dividing 52 by 2 or multiplying 52 by 0.5) NOT 17!!! Please do not comment further on "what you believe about this game", rather would such a spread and jumps cause heat on a SD 6:5 game.
cgy606 said:
In SD, as long as the Pen is 30% or more, you will get a high frequency of favorable counts then in a 6D with 70-75% Pen.
Nothing wrong with my reading. Check your attitude at the door please. How do you expect anyone to give you any help when you come off acting like an ungrateful blowhard? 6/5 is a terrible game any way you slice it up. Why would you insist on playing such a game and spreading wildly when there are so many better games offered in the region? Why not try the DD @ Firekeepers where they won't bat an eye if you spread 1-20?


cgy606 said:
In SD, as long as the Pen is 30% or more, you will get a high frequency of favorable counts then in a 6D with 70-75% Pen.
Looks like 30% or more to me. That means you think 30% pen SD is playable, I guess, if you think 6D 75% pen is playable. Kind of hostile at a guy who only responded to what YOU wrote. And 30% of 52 is 15.6 (~16) not 17 although you did say 30% or more.
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21 and CGY have a history here of some friction and I believe that is the reason for his sharp reply to 21.

CGY will learn in time to ignore those posters that he has conflicts with.:)

CGY is a very polite, young, intelligent and energetic AP, I know this having met him in person and talked with him on several occasions. He does think out of the box, and that is a very fine thing.:cool:



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
21 and CGY have a history here of some friction and I believe that is the reason for his sharp reply to 21.

CGY will learn in time to ignore those posters that he has conflicts with.:)

CGY is a very polite, young, intelligent and energetic AP, I know this having met him in person and talked with him on several occasions. He does think out of the box, and that is a very fine thing.:cool:

None that I'm aware of CP. But I believe rash statements like that have caused a great deal of friction between you and me.
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Well-Known Member
This thread now SUCKS! It isn't advancing our game and is breeding hostility among my friends!

6:5 is a tough game and on most occasion is unplayable! There have been some pros play the game with success.

Enough said!

Lets remember which side of the table we sit on and focus on helping one another.

Regards to you all, :)


Just to nudge the thread back on track...

...let's recall, I think, the point of WHY the OP is looking at this (i.e. WHY try to play a "bad" game such as 6:5 when there are certainly "better" games available) is because of the idea/belief that the pit will show it much less attention, ergo less heat, for "spreading wildly", than comparable 'better' games.

Does 6:5 suck? Sure. Can it still be profitable to attack? IMHO, probably... but YMMV