SoCal Blackjack Conditions


Active Member
SWEEETTTT!!! Good thing I looked past the first page, and good thing you posted this up, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!!.....Know of anywhere I could read up on how to get comps, act like a "gambler" and fly under the radar? It's cool if not, thanks for this info anyways.


Active Member

Don't chase comps! You won't get much in the way of comps in SoCal (but do ask). The Spa and Aqua Caliente Casinos in Palm Springs have good offers as long as you visit there once every month or so. Both have good rules on DD. If you are looking DD in San Diego go to Harrahs Rincon or Barona.


Active Member

Business for most of the SoCal casinos stayed steady and are rebounding. When things were down some there were better offers. You have to play black, or 2 greens for longer periods, to get their attention. Buffets are not that hard to get and they are OK. Nicer restaurant comps require higher/longer play. Harrahs doesn't do much for BJ players unless your 2 black or better per hand, Barona is a little better. Valley View gives you a free buffet (it is pretty good) when you join the players club.

Try this link:


Active Member

Are they changing in the HL rooms (Spa and Aqua) also? I will be there next week and will definately cut down on my play is they are.


Active Member
It has been done

The BJ on the floor has changed to H17. HL room may change, but if they do, it will cost them about 20% of their players. Aqua should give their HL players reason to play at Spa while they remodel the Primrose Room. I think it is a dump compared to other HL rooms I play.


Well-Known Member
Anyone been to PalmSprings area casinos recently,

the ones near agua calienta ect..

Plz post update


Well-Known Member
The changes above a recent, nothing else has really changed. Fantasy Springs is S17 on shoe games. DD sucks at both Hot Water and Fantasy Springs.

Spotlight 29 has a small $1500 tournament on Wednesdays and Fridays and includes buffet in the $30 buy-in.