I have been teaching my self counting and blackjack for around 3 weeks now, I really love the math that goes into it. I have never been to a casino as I turned 21 last year.
I have taught my self basic strategy and how to count so far but through out my time learning the essentials I have found my self asking questions about certain things I cant find the answers to online.
(Im sorry in advance if any of these questions are stupid)
Below are some of the questions I cant find answers too online:
1. What tables should I be looking to play at? I know that bj should be 3:2 and PEN should be good but I am not sure what other rules I should be looking out for.
2. How do i know how far a dealer will penetrate a deck when I go to sit at a table?
3. How will I know if a table is S17 or H17?
4. How do I find the true count joining a game thats already in progress?
5. (This one may seem stupid) Do I only use basic strategy once then stand per hand? i.e if I am dealt hard 11 and the dealer has 10, I chose to double down but then Im dealt a 5 and left with hard 16. Do I choose to Hit because I now have 16 vs 10 or do i Stand because I already made one play from basic strategy?
6. Im not very familiar with spreads as its a little confusing to me, from what i think a spread is its a change in betting amount when the count gets higher or lower.
6. I am currently learning the follow: Basic Strategy, Counting & TC Conversion, 18 deviations, discard tray visual skills, bankroll managment, bettings skills, and the games I should be looking for.
Thank you for taking the time to read my questions!
I have been teaching my self counting and blackjack for around 3 weeks now, I really love the math that goes into it. I have never been to a casino as I turned 21 last year.
I have taught my self basic strategy and how to count so far but through out my time learning the essentials I have found my self asking questions about certain things I cant find the answers to online.
(Im sorry in advance if any of these questions are stupid)
Below are some of the questions I cant find answers too online:
1. What tables should I be looking to play at? I know that bj should be 3:2 and PEN should be good but I am not sure what other rules I should be looking out for.
2. How do i know how far a dealer will penetrate a deck when I go to sit at a table?
3. How will I know if a table is S17 or H17?
4. How do I find the true count joining a game thats already in progress?
5. (This one may seem stupid) Do I only use basic strategy once then stand per hand? i.e if I am dealt hard 11 and the dealer has 10, I chose to double down but then Im dealt a 5 and left with hard 16. Do I choose to Hit because I now have 16 vs 10 or do i Stand because I already made one play from basic strategy?
6. Im not very familiar with spreads as its a little confusing to me, from what i think a spread is its a change in betting amount when the count gets higher or lower.
6. I am currently learning the follow: Basic Strategy, Counting & TC Conversion, 18 deviations, discard tray visual skills, bankroll managment, bettings skills, and the games I should be looking for.
Thank you for taking the time to read my questions!