Speaking of Black Jack


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever gotten hustled while they were on a good streak of winning ?

I have been approached a number of times and finally got myself taken by a very pretty Asian woman. I'm not sure if she was noticing me while I was playing but I did notice her and offered her a ride over to anther casino.

we wound up spending most of the weekend together. I got comped a luxury hotel room that I shared with her. She treated me very nicely in and out of the room.

I needed to buy some new clothes because I had spent too long in the clothes that I was wearing and hadn't packed anything. She insisted i buy some nice clothes and picked them out for me, did my hair up with a stting gel, shave, etc. Things I do not generally care that much about for myself while I am playing. But then she said she wanted new clothes too. I must say she certainly did not pick out very expensive things - $40 worth of nice pants and a top. that I paid for - looked nice on her.

She had me take on a better posture at the bj table. I never noticed that I tend to lean my head on my arm (s) too much. Said that looked like a loser's pose.

We shared some comped meal with a guy we just met and his date - a cocktail waitress he had just picked up. I usually do not socialize with people I meet in a casino but we actually had a good time together.

I wound up doing well on the trip, she did not and i wound up staking her $600. i told her it was just a loan and she got upset with me when I refused to stake her anymore money. she was betting the way that I've seen other Asian players bet which is definitely not advantage playing. I kept telling her to hold off and not to bet until I tell her to but she had her own game to play and did it at a $50 table. I could not throw more money after the money that i had already seen go into the house chip tray. She kept promising to pay the money back but i have not seen or talked to her since.

It was the most expensive cheap date that I have had but i do not even mind it all that much.
Ah you met a grifter!

The closest I ever came to this situation was once leaving the table with a whore at Foxwoods. My purpose was to look like more of a loser. They already have me pegged as a compulsive gambler and an alcoholic, and to be a whoremonger as well would identify me as the perfect loser who will always be welcome. After I left the casino I ditched the whore by saying I saw my wife's car and she had better run. (I'm not married.) If I want to give away money and make a woman happy I'll give a big tip to the waitress. At least their appreciation is always sincere.

The problem we run into at the table is a need for admiration for the amazing things we are doing, but we have to do it all in secret. So an admiring woman can be irresistable. Although I'll flirt with women as part of the deal, I never fornicate when I'm out on a blackjack trip because of all the potential for loss. You can be robbed, drugged, or blackmailed.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly

I've encountered grifters or just simple chip hustlers. This woman was obviously not a professsional and not doing it for the money. There was something innocent about her. She was looking to win back her blackjack losses and she seemed to enjoy my company as much as i did hers. I did take basic precautions against loss though. just in case she did have other intentions.

Playing with her did offer good cover. She was very sociable at the table and the pit crew and many dealers knew her as a high betting player.she took alot of attention away from me


Well-Known Member
A dealer ....

was hinting to me that she would do something special for something better than a tip at the table. She was flirting quite a bit. Making double entandre comments about stacking the tips "on top" and how she likes it that way. Similarly about "back door" "BJ"s. , etc.

She was not being very clear except that she thought she could be fired for saying or doing somethings..Panhandling at the table ?, prostitution ? I kept looking to see if she was flashing the hole card or not.

She was whining about not having enough money to get to the end of the month and would I meet her after her shift. Her brother was floating around the casino that night so I could "give the money to him but tell me how much you gave him because he will not tell me the truth". And she would meet me later

She was the relief dealer, so I mainly only saw her about 20 minutes every hour. It was fun to play along with this to see where it would get but, I really knew that whatever it is this woman was trouble. Eventually each time she came along she was more and more depressed. Eventually the end of her shift came and I did not see her again that night.

I saw her about a week later at another casino where she was losing heavily at blackjack. She came over and gave me a kiss . She was quite drunk compalined about being broke as s**t and walked away.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Which means "exactly"

The way you know they are a grifter is if they can convince you 100% they are not a grifter. That's the true essence of "grifter-ism" and only the best grifters can attain this perfect state, the "zen grifter" attains his enlightenment by becoming one with his grift.

Question. Are you 100% certain this was a woman? Unless you felt between its legs, you will never really know. And if you can't know that, what else might you have overlooked?

Was this in CT? I may have met her

A drunken woman I met at Mohegan also kissed me, and told me she was a dealer at Foxwoods. She was gambling compulsively. I wanted to hook up with her and I'd be willing to pay her for PENETRATION (the important kind) but she was too drunk to even understand what I was talking about. She then started havering crazily at the table, calling all men pedophiles, so I decided to abort this mission. Too unstable.

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member

Are you 100% certain this was a woman? Unless you felt between its legs, you will never really know. And if you can't know that, what else might you have overlooked?

R U speaking from personal experience? :) Sorry I couldn't resist.


New Member
and the jaw, brow line, size of hands, height

several tip offs...but Adams apple is easiest to spot...

take the Mayor's advice...read the Golden Gate to learn how he almost got duped when he was just trying to be a nice guy

i too had a close call...when i was much younger i took a trip to Tijuana with some other young fools like me...of course we stopped into the strip clubs...it was much than any other club i've been in...we sat down at a booth and took in quite a site...of course there were girls on stage dancing, but at a table near ours a soldier/sailor (must have been from San Diego) had a whore who was bare from the waist up and he was sucking on her chest, then he lowered his kissing to you know where...yuck, deathwish man, this was in the late 80's before there was a treatment for AIDS...anyway, as we were stunned watching, another slender whore came up, sat on my lap and open-mouthed kissed me...all i could think was how dirty!! i had her leave, and ordered a double scotch to kill germs...two guys at the booth behind me looked over and laughed at me...said i had just been kissed by a guy...i refused to believe it then, but i think it was possible...it did not make the confirming grab, but the whore was lean, not plumpish the way the other in the joint were...so perhaps...

since then the guydar is always turned on...and i have never again gone into an outlaw joint like that...only respectable joy houses...you see, i have standards...
The only way you can tell for sure...

... is if she menstruates. They can surgically fake everything else and if you are drunk you might not realize. No surgeon has yet to come up with a way to simulate "riding the cotton pony."

If some freak like that came up to me and tricked me into kissing or touching, I would lay a beating on him so bad nobody would recognize him when I was done, because I consider that a form of somebody trying to turn me out and there is only one way to deal with that.


Speaking of which... ANN COULTER!

She's a man, baby! zg


Strap-On Veterans for Truth

An organization dedicating to exposing the truth about the former drag queen now known as Ann Coulter

We are a coalition of former friends and co-workers of Ann Coulter who are upset by her vicious anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-feminist rhetoric and feel the truth should be told. Our organization, Strap-On Veterans For Truth, is dedicated to exposing the true past of America's number one hatemonger.

Ann Coulter is actually a former drag queen from Key West named Pudenda Shenanigans. Ms. Shenanigans was famous for her renditions of "Dude Looks Like a Lady" "I Will Survive" and "You Shook Me All Night Long" as well as an extensive Barbra Streisand repertoire. We who used to work with her are concerned for her as well as upset by the vile hatred she has spewed towards her former friends in the gay community. We feel that by bringing the truth to light perhaps Ann will come to grips with her past and change her wicked ways.

As Pudenda Shenanigans, she was well known on the drag circuit in Key West. Whether she actually had a full sex change or not is a matter of debate, although her adam's apple is still visible in photos, under the appropriate light. We who laughed, cried, worked and danced with her feel her story should be told. We are not out to punish her, but feel it's time she owned up to what she really is.

The person known today as Ann Coulter was born Jeremy Levinsohn in the village in New York in 1960. His parents were typical latte-drinking liberals, religiously conservative, but socially and politically radical. His father taught Russian Literature at CUNY and his mother was a social worker. His childhood friend Rodger Mihalot described him, "The Levinsohns were nice people, but his father was distant, so Jeremy seemed to seek a strong male figure in his life. Although they were Jewish, he often hung out at our church, and really seemed to spend a lot of time with Fr. Donatella Nowunn. I also think he was really looking to rebel against his overly liberal parents. Otherwise he was a typical kid, he liked to play cowboy, sailor and gladiator a lot. His favorite movie was always The Sheik, he really seemed to have a fascination with Arabs, I don't know why."

In the 70's Jeremy went to Brandeis, where he majored in Sociology, with a minor in comparative religions. His lifelong fascination with Muslims really seemed to take root at Brandeis. But college roommate Ima Gaiboyye described an unhappy man, "He was never really interested in women, but did go see the theater company's production of "The Wizard of Oz" 10 times, I thought he liked the girl who played the lead, he really talked about her outfit a lot. After college Jeremy just dropped off the face of the earth, we never heard from him again."

Jeremy drifted for awhile before finding himself in Key West. Co-worker Licky Dickenstein described these early years, "Jeremy was a natural, I never saw anyone take to drag so quickly. Once he found his persona, he WAS Pudenda Shenanigans. For most of us drag was a part time thing, but Pudenda was 24-7, always in character, always in costume. She really shook things up, she was a goddess on stage."

By 1985 Ms Shenanigans was dating a Lebanese businessman, Ustahav Toubohls and the two were believed to be deliriously happy. Friends report Pudenda always had a fetish for Muslims and was considering a marriage proposal. But then she opened up the New York Times one day and saw a picture of Mr. Toubohls with a famous actress in New York. Former friend Gaivit Tuhym described the result, "Pudenda was devastated, she couldn't stand seeing her Toubohls with another woman. She cried and cried, 'I miss my Toubohls, I want my Toubohls back!' I don't think she ever forgave him, the New York Times, or Muslims in general."

After that Ms. Shenanigans disappeared for years, only resurfacing in the 90's as Ann Coulter. Her hatred for Muslims, gays and feminists is odd for her former coworkers. Long Dick Gone, a former co-worker stated, "At first I thought there was something funny about this Ann Coulter. I mean here's a woman who claims to hate feminists, but is in her 40's, single, no kids, is very opinionated and outspoken and concentrates on her career. Ann Coulter is the biggest example of a feminist I ever saw. Then I noticed that in just the right light you could see that adam's apple and that's when I recognized our little Pudenda Shenanigans, the hottest drag queen this side of Fire Island."

Once they realized who Ann Coulter was, Strap-On Veterans For Truth was formed.

Ann's former friends and co-workers realized that her intense hatred of gays, feminists and Muslims was really self-loathing and continuing hurt from the loss of her beloved Toubohls. Although we know she's been through a lot, we feel hurt by her turning against everything she used to hold dear. We love you Ann, or Pudenda, or Jeremy. We respect whatever lifestyle of gender you choose. We just want you to be true to yourself and please stop the hatred. Come back to us and share the love of your friends and community again.

Strap-On Veterans for Truth is a proud partner of The Hoolinet.

(Our apologies to drag queens everywhere.)


Ann Coulter Is A Man

Foul-Mouthed Blonde Had A Sex Change Operation

The Sentry has it on good authority that in real life Ann Coulter is a man. He/she was once Arthur Coltrane from Pickens County, Georgia, who went to Denmark when he/she was a teenager for a sex-change operation to become a woman, the operation being paid for by his/her wealthy and doting mother, Darlene Coltrane, heiress to a hog-farming fortune.

As Ann appeared more frequently on cable news and magazine shows, it was apparent that she was the only woman on TV with an "Adam's Apple." This led to some poking around in her/his background.

The consensus about "Ms." Coulter/Coltrane is that ONLY a frustrated and unhappy transsexual man could have such a vicious mouth on him/her. People are saying that his/her stunning blond locks are really a wig, which he/she got in a Copenhagen sex-toys and drag-queen supply shop, when his/her own hair fell out after the hormone shots took effect.

Having seen what makeup could do for drag queen Ru Paul, who in real life is a VERY plain-looking black man, everyone finds it not surprising that "Ms." Ann Coulter/Coltrane would have shunned his/her family hog-farming business for the brighter lights of the big city, since we have heard that without all that Danish foundation cream, he/she might easily have been mistaken for one of the livestock.


Well-Known Member
seriousIy, I only knew...

that she was a woman because of the way that ahe was criticising the way that I was dressed and groomed ... oh , and also because she kept trying to get into my bankroll.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Well that proves it...

She was definitely a "he" -- you obviously haven't spent much time with cross dressers :cool:.


New Member
you mention laying a beating on someone...

well there is a follow on story about that at the same joint whose moral is you don't do fights with the locals in a place like Tijuana...

when we got back to LA, we told the guys we worked with about the experience...so a couple of weeks later 4 of the guys go down there on a Friday night loaded with $50 cash (a relative fortune) set to have great time and find the same place. And anyway, one of the group has a whore sitting on his lap in no time...Jim, another of the group, wants the same service as well, so he grabs a woman passing by...mistake, he grabbed a waitress, who slapped him in the face and said "I am not a punta!" Jim, red-faced, was cool and let it go...but not Joe, who has set ideas about male pride and the place women have in the world (he had been divorced twice by the age of 26 you see)

When that same waitress passed by again, Joe stuck his foot out to trip her...she fell, got back up and threw a beer bottle onto the center of the table where is shattered, cutting Jim and another guy on the arm...the waitress ran out of the place...the guys figured they better leave fast, and on there way out the bouncers followed them out to the street...there was the waitress and a local cop...they offered a bribe--refused--and were take to the police station...

so they sat in the police station, giving a report to an officer who pretended to type up a report--pretended as the typewriter had no ribbon--and then sat waiting...after two hours the sargent came in and said to them "you broke the law, now you have to go to jail...you will go before the judge when he gets here...but he will not be here until Monday, so you will stay in jail until Monday.....(long pause)...But, if you go home now, I can let you go if you pay me $40..." two of the guys said "Yes!", and then the sargent finished "...each"...the guys said "fine!"

so they left, and on there way back to Los Angeles broke, having spent all of about 45 minutes having fun and 3 hours in custody.

causing a fight in a town like TJ may protect your male ego, but it sure can ruin your plans.

it would have been so much fun to laugh at Jim & Joe after that, but I had my own experience with the whore to be ashamed of so i never said much to them...