Splitting 10's


Well-Known Member
First, understand that I'm not counting cards at all.

Ok, I admit that I know it is WRONG to split 10's.
HOWEVER, having said that, how bad is it really to split 10's against a dealers 6 or even a 5?

I know the charts say to STAND and not split, but i've been experimenting with this while level betting $5/hand. Seems like I'm a little ahead by splitting my 10's against dealer's 5 or 6 (only time I split 10's). I've done this a few times while playing with friends and using some spare chips to keep 'score'.

So, am I just lucky, or haven't played enough hands for a good statistical experiment?

Thanks for any response.
ZMan said:
I know the charts say to STAND and not split, but i've been experimenting with this while level betting $5/hand. Seems like I'm a little ahead by splitting my 10's against dealer's 5 or 6 (only time I split 10's).
Its not so bad against 5-6... I give you permission to keep it up. May as well double with A-9, too. zg


Well-Known Member
Forgetting the math for a moment,think about this.
You split you tens,and you get another ten. If it was right to split once,it right to split again,no?
Now you get an ace. As your idea is to get as much money on the board against the 5 or 6,shouldn't you double down on the 11?
If this sounds logical to you,I suggest you take up slots.
If it doesn't,then why split the tens in the first place.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Its not so bad against 5-6... I give you permission to keep it up. May as well double with A-9, too. zg
Back when I first started this game, I doubled A-9 against a dealer 6 at Plaza. My dealer (Alice...never forget her...sour as vinegar and fast as a machinegun!) went over the top on that one! Thought she was going to come across the table and slap me! I had glanced at my hand (then dealt face down) and thought..."Okay, soft 19....double against 6!" Of course I was wrong two ways....It was twenty and not nineteen and aslo the table was dealer stands on soft 17. I won the hand though. Alice didn't let me (or anyone else at our table for the rest of the week) forget that hand!


Well-Known Member
I Posted this before...

Whenever tempted to split 10's because of a very positive count I recall an event many years ago in Lake Tahoe. A guy asked a female dealer if he should split his 10's. She said to the table "If you had a 10 inch dick, would you cut it in half"I
Having said that: I once proposed splitting 10's vs 5-6 in a game that only pays 6-5 on Blackjacks. Most on this site thought that it was not a good idea.
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