Staff shortages at Crown


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New Member
The last thing on a Crown supervisor's mind is detecting APs. The majority of them are Higher Duty (HD) dealers. This means they are just dealers but accept a slightly higher pay rate to supervise as well. They receive no training in advantage play detection. They're as likely to know about how to beat blackjack than the guy sitting next to you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my friend and I once hit up a table with a dealer who had HD duties. We counted his table whilst discussing his job with him and walked away with a tidy profit. The whole time he told us about BJ being purely about luck. I think he was oblivious to counting. The following night he was there again, this time as a supervisor. And again, he had a nice friendly chat with me as I Wonged in and out of his pit making $$$. Ignorance is bliss.