State of mind


Well-Known Member
I geuss the next logical question to pose would be in mental preparation for the game. Did you if ever go to the casino in a funk but still seem to be a winner, with things just come together. I prep myself mentally for the game but sometimes I wear out with losing or stupid people. I have to realigne myself after some bad beats with big bets out. I take a breather and get my composure back which is not always easy after some shoes. I know alot of seasoned players may be able to shed some light on this subject. blackchipjim
According to common logic, as far as blackjack is concerned, as long as you play well your state of mind should not be an issue. However, in most things in life, perhaps blackjack as well, your state of mind is key in your success, or lack there of. The key to succeeding in anything is to believe you already have. Once you (honestly) believe that you have already won, you will. Just how you will win is yet to be determined.

The power of positive thinking is very powerful, even in blackjack. It may not alter your actual playing results, but it can do a lot for your spirit. In blackjack many bad things can and will happen, and how you deal with them is important to your success in blackjack. If you always have a negative vibe you will get eaten alive (by yourself) in this game. If you can think positively at all times you are giving yourself a chance.


Well-Known Member
I don't play any BJ the day I arrive in Vegas.MY three worse days ever gambling all were on the first days of a trip.Fatigue,jitters,over anxious? I don't know,but now I take a late flight,get in around dinner,hit the FSE,have a few adult bevarges and turn in. I start fresh early the next morning,and so far its worked well.

Craps Master

Well-Known Member
The more you play, the more beatings you'll take and the more you'll get used to it. Just let your tolerance to such things ramp up naturally and, if you never get used to it or get over having losing sessions or having to see/listen to idiotic ploppies, find something else to do, because it never changes.
shadroch said:
MY three worse days ever gambling all were on the first days of a trip.
I find that very true for me too. Maybe you are right about starting fresh the second day, it might make a different when we are fully charged.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty much always ready to play. When I walk throug a casino I dont hear the slots or anything, I zoned in on the tables ad the high limit areas.


Well-Known Member
I always start the day before with CVCC drills, and concentrate on my game plan. Upon arrival ( after the long drive ) I will always go to the lounge, drink a bottle of water, eat a snack, and watch the news/sports on the tube. This last about 20min. so as to get my head clear, and ready to focus on the game. Then I will walk around the casino, and check-out all the tables, rules, dealers, and find my first seat. I usally win on the first day, it is the last secessions I play on the last day that seem to be the the most difficult to win.


Well-Known Member
Craps Master said:
The more you play, the more beatings you'll take and the more you'll get used to it. Just let your tolerance to such things ramp up naturally and, if you never get used to it or get over having losing sessions or having to see/listen to idiotic ploppies, find something else to do, because it never changes.
This is too true, especially with regards to ploppies.

I've had too many times where my mindset walking into a casino had no bearing on the actual outcome. As long as I can keep playing the game properly, and keep an eye on conditions, it doesn't really matter from a "win" perspective, only from a "fun" perspective.


Well-Known Member
Your state of mind will only affect your results if you let it. If you allow your emotions to influence your decisions then your game will suffer. I’ve certainly played my share of sessions when I was in a terrible mood. I had been losing steadily, I couldn’t seem to catch a break and the other players were driving me nuts! But I kept playing a strong game and things turned around for me. As long as you can keep your wits and not allow your emotions to control you then they will not hurt your results.



Well-Known Member
altered states

If you want to talk about states of mind I've been rattled a few times only to shake my head. Counts are good, bets are high, only to be the one not catching the cards. I still have to work on remaining calm after some really bad beats. I keep telling myself it's only a game and things will turn around just hang in there. I have been wiped out quite a few times which causes me to wonder if it's me or just the game. I keep composure at a steady level except when it's time to put out the big bets. I do use a steaming act and it seems to work quite well even in front of pit bosses. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Well, I just spent the day getting the crap kicked out of me. (Down 50 units, which was 5 max bets-luckily it was on the $3.00 table. Still...). Stewed about an hour, ranted for another. (How in the WORLD can I lose 7 straight hands-3 times in an afternoon, in addition to losing 2 sets of six hands straight and a 9 straight hand loss????)

Anyway, I now have about a month before I play again. Will spend the time reviewing my play and try to see what I did wrong. (Right now I'm up to the following: too crowded conditions-that is when I could spread to two hands things were going fine, but when I couldn't I took a beating, backing off some of my high bets when I SHOULDN'T have, not quitting for a breather when I started to get frustrated. Biggest problem was not wonging out when I should have. In retrospect I could have saved probably half of that amount by just not being so stubborn playing some serious negative hands while trying to keep my seat. This is where 4 of my six long losing sessions happened.)

Gotta keep focused on the whole aspect, not just counting and indices!

Oh well, like I said now I have 4 weeks to get my 'state of mind' where it belongs and review everything to find any more 'glitches'.

Funny thing, though. At one point the dealer gave us a talk about how they are trained to catch counters. And, no, it wasnt directed at me! (Probably 'cause I was losing, and EVERYONE knows that counters always win!)