Well-Known Member
You mentioned a $100-$1000 spread. This has a standard deviation around $3,500 per 100 rounds. Did you play 8 hours per day?!onetobet said:in bahamas few weeks back won over 40K in 2 days
You mentioned a $100-$1000 spread. This has a standard deviation around $3,500 per 100 rounds. Did you play 8 hours per day?!onetobet said:in bahamas few weeks back won over 40K in 2 days
I stand corrected. Per Wizard of Odds, Hollywood/Tampa games features a realistic house edge of 0.66083% since they are H17. I misquoted the house edge because I was thinking of Immokalee, which has S17 on their $25+min shoe games, which brings the house edge down to 0.44686%. That considered, Hollywood and Tampa are getting an EV of $0.16052 per $25 hand from a BS player. If playing heads up, 200 hands per hour, this adds up to $33.0425 per hour.Lonesome Gambler said:Sadly, even the $25 and $50 games have more like a 0.7% house edge. It's only once you get to $100 that you can play at a 0.5% disadvantage!
I agree, it would be a very stupid thing to do. But... casinos have done it. A rigged card game would probably not jeopardize their machine business but the fines and the bad press would make it not worthwhile especially since the Hard Rock brand extends to more than gaming. But we are wise to be vigilant for it and the bad practice of not spreading the cards should be discouraged.SWFL Blackjack said:I feel the Seminoles have much more to lose than gain by cheating. Even with a player playing perfect BS, the house edge is still high in their BJ games. ($25+min tables have around a 0.5% edge) Think of how few ploppies actually use BS, and realize the Seminoles are already making a killing on the ploppies who play "on a gut feeling." If civilians were to find out that the games were fixed, they would (hopefully) boycott the games. The potential of such negative press makes it in the best interest of the Seminoles to keep their games fair and continue to profit on their monopoly and their poor conditions.
Most casinos make a large majority (usually 80%+) of their revenues from machines, so taken into account that slots are their most profitable and popular assets, why jeopardize their business by fixing a couple card games to make a few extra bucks?
Hardrock sucks,, There should be a ratio of 8-5 numbered cards vs 10-Ace,onetobet said:In last 2 weeks have played every day. From 6 to 8 decks and have seen some crazy stuff!!! Been playing blackjack for over 20 years and have never lost as much as i have there. Was in bahamas few weeks back won over 40K in 2 days> i Play the Ko with true count and getting killed there. Today had running counts in KO system and +15 which is very hard to get. And Lost almost every hand I bet into. Counted every 5 in the shoe and hit 32 3 times. Asked Pit boss to see rest of cards she refused!!! Something is very wrong there!!! Stay away!!!!
Simply put, I wouldn't play a bJ game that doesn't fan the cards of each deck face up and face down upon opening a table or changing out the cards.HockeXpert said:LG:
The cards are never displayed face up at the bj tables all at once at Seminole casinos. Neither before nor after use. They take them out of the box, check the backs and put them in the ASM. After use the cards are bagged and taken away unsorted and undisplayed. The ASM's do verify the number of cards in play but do not verify the value of each card.
Though this IS a bit unusual it's not at ALL unprecedented. And it's the NORM in many Canadian casinos.WABJ11 said:When I played baccarat here the other night, the cards are changed frequently so I got to witness their procedure. They bring over "pre-shuffled" decks and do not fan them face up.
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with baccarat procedure but this is very unusual.
No, THIS is not unusual. More than half of all places start their baccarat shoes this way.WABJ11 said:I was surprised to see that they also do not show the burn cards when the shoe begins. This is also very unusual.
I happen to have personal knowledge that the Seminole Hard Rock casino in Florida does NOT have a policy of short-shoeing any of their games, whether it be blackjack, or baccarat; or any of the carny games.WABJ11 said:Can anyone confirm or deny anymore evidence of cheating here, specifically in BJ?
I never whined in my post, nor was I making any accusations. I think it would be outrageously stupid for the Seminoles to cheat, but I wouldn't put it past them. Nobody is watching them. I personally know of cheating that use to go on with poker in the sit and go tournaments, with supervisors turning a blind eye.Sucker said:I, for one; have no patience for the people who start these ridiculous threads; in which the OP whines about some casino bad luck, and then attempts to draw the conclusion: I lost, therefore I was cheated. Good grief! :flame:
Sucker said:.
I, for one; have no patience for the people who start these ridiculous threads; in which the OP whines about some casino bad luck, and then attempts to draw the conclusion: I lost, therefore I was cheated. Good grief! :flame:
Sorry if I didn't quite make it clear enough - I was NOT referring to YOU as the whiner. And I've read enough of your posts to know that if anything, you're the OPPOSITE of a whiner.WABJ11 said:I never whined in my post, nor was I making any accusations.
I wouldn't put it past anyone. Have you forgotten Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?"WABJ11 said:I never whined in my post, nor was I making any accusations. I think it would be outrageously stupid for the Seminoles to cheat, but I wouldn't put it past them. Nobody is watching them. I personally know of cheating that use to go on with poker in the sit and go tournaments, with supervisors turning a blind eye.
However, the question still remains: why do they refuse to fan the cards out when changing cards? This is highly unusual, and is common game protection procedure.
Luck is good.FLASH1296 said:Played very recently at one of the Seminole Florida casino with less than stellar games. Two of Eight cutoff.
I won at an absurd heat-generating rate. I won so fast so much that I needed to keep my spread down to a point where my expectation was just about break even.
My result was to win > $1,000 per hour betting very light green.
This may be the furthest to the right on the normal curve that I have ever been.
Before the Seminoles went to H17 and lackluster penetration on most of their tables
I spent some nice long trips to one of their larger properties - without ever having a losing day.
Weird. Can someone say LUCK SACK !
Ha Ha !!! To funny!!!Lonesome Gambler said:Must've stacked the decks backwards this time!
FLASH1296 said:Played very recently at one of the Seminole Florida casino with less than stellar games. Two of Eight cutoff.
I won at an absurd heat-generating rate. I won so fast so much that I needed to keep my spread down to a point where my expectation was just about break even.
My result was to win > $1,000 per hour betting very light green.
This may be the furthest to the right on the normal curve that I have ever been.
Before the Seminoles went to H17 and lackluster penetration on most of their tables
I spent some nice long trips to one of their larger properties - without ever having a losing day.
Weird. Can someone say LUCK SACK ! I said,,you do have superior SkillzFLASH1296 said:Anyone can shine if they train themselves to use Hi-Opt with Side-Counted Aces and Sevens and a raft of Basic Strategy departure indices.
That said, I had played 3 hrs at a far far superior game earlier in the week; spread 12-1 in green and lost several hundred bucks.
That game was a Six Decker with S17 DAS LS RSA for a H.A. of just -.26; the only drawback being my getting only 68%-70% pen'
Luck, (Good & Bad), is our Constant Companion.
Beat the bad game and lose at the good game.
Sure, why not ? L.O.L