Strange Rumblings.


Well-Known Member
So, I've been reading all of this. I'm a new face here, and not anyone of any note at the tables. But, this is a forum, and you have to participate in order for these things to work.

First, there have been some brilliant effing posts lately, by Abraham de Moivre, Zengrifter and Mayor, just to name a few. Those are the things that keep acolytes like me coming back. There's no amount of thanking I can do, so instead, I'll encourage you all to write more.

Second...I don't even know what the Yahoo CCCG *is*. Obviously it degenerated into a mess. Lots of forums do this. No matter what the subject is (though often the subjects are in the "low profile" arena), sometimes, groups just breakdown...little ego wars and the like. Rules get broken, toes get stepped on. Mayor has done an admirable job of clarifying his position as owner/moderator. He's posted his personal information, this day and age...take balls. Mayor isn't a faceless name in the digital ether. He may edit a few words (and it's tempting to type a list to see which ones they are...hehehe), but at least his rules are clear.

I agree with his postion on not "outing" scam artists. It's destructive and creates dischord. What he does is debunks poor or faulty logic. He says, "Progression betting doesn't work...and here is why." And he does so in a clear and accessible manner. So...when Joe McScam tries to sell you a progression don't NEED to know that he's trying to rip you off. You know his system doesn't work. By pointing out the fallicy behind the technique, you undermine the vehicle for the scam. Pointing fingers and naming names may feel good in a vindictive way...but does little to solve the problem. As many on this page point out...assuming a new identity in this world is an easy thing to do.

So...back to the game and this site. What does the group feel about the increasing traffic/celebrity of a group like this? Obviously, it's great to have fresh voices and new ideas. Mayor has next to no advertising support, so it's probably not paying his rent to have new faces. I wouldn't have found this page if not by luck (or some factor of probablity, for all of you pureists). But my experience with this kind of open forum is that, after a point, the celebrity is the undoing. Particularly since, to some degree, the anonymity factor has been reduced by the forum rules. How does all of this change the game? Rules in Vegas are getting worse. A lot of casinos are introducing the continuous shufflers. Is this a result of the growth of advantage play?

I don't know.

MGM has bought the MIT book's film rights. Will that effect the teams and groups playing once the scheme is made very public? (there's a parallel here that has to do with drug runners who want drugs to stay illegal so that they can maintain a profit...but I just can't make it work)

There will always be more suckers than pro's. There will always be people like me who only 'kind of' know basic strategy and +/- counting and thus lose their bankrolls in the details. But in a big way, the less "common knowledge" card counting is, the more mythical, the less likey the casinos are to change their rules to combat the real players out there.

Anyways, it's Friday night. I'm not making much sense. Time to go home.

If anything coherent comes out of this post it's that I appreciate the info here, and want to see it thrive and learn as much as I can. I hope that this forum CAN be the Switzerland of counting pages.

even Stranger Rumblings.

I guess when you open a site and want to discuss how to breed chickens someone always has to take the discussion to a lofty social political level of debate. We just cant keep it at the chicken ranch and exchange ideas on whether its better to leave the light on at night or to turn it off. So as to further a more romantic atmosphere for fowl love making. I just dont get it do chickens know that the universe in infinite and that thier level of existance is that above the egg or did the egg come first. Oh i'm sorry this site is about counting cards or what. How about registering your handle like the mayors wants. Its his site. LTC


Well-Known Member
Re: even Stranger Rumblings.

I thought the chicken ranch closed down...or was that the mustang?


excellent points tho.

*off to register my screen name*

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your clear and supportive thoughts. You said a lot of things better than I have been able to, and I appreciate your taking the time to do so.

Re: even Stranger Rumblings.

By the way hi-noon I thought your post was very clear and honest. When I posted I was being sarcastic about the recent rise in trolls that are more interested in starting long drawn out debates on issues that are derived from thier own frustrations and boredom. I was in agreement with you. I also want people to register and be active. Even trolls can add to the soup.

As far as your comments on blackjack I was a ploppy who thought you could beat slot machines if you used progressions at one time. When I started learning about blackjack my first book was "so ya wanna be a Gambler" by John Patrick. Then One day while going through a used book store I obtained a couple of used books by a guys named Thorp and Uston. That was it. JP went into the garbage and my ploppy days faded. I have found out one thing about this game. Blackjack is easy to learn how to lose at. It is a BITCH to win at. The journey is a blast!!!!

You appear to be one that will learn how to win you have the right attitude. The only thing that most have to understand is you have to find and learn the "right information". You have to practice and you have to find someone or a "website" to mentor you. This site has improved my game. I am having
incredible experiences and I am seeing the theory of counting come alive. In turn I am self analyzing and improving very rapidly. If you want it its there inside of you and with the help from your friends. LTC

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member

Come on over and take a read thru the messages:

Mayor I am sure you don't mind a little link back as we have them on our site to yours. Lots of room in cyberspace for everyone. It is not set up as nicely as this site is, but the info is there if you have the time to sort thru everything else.

I will be promoting this board in my newsletter at the end of the month, and will also try to put a hub together of some kind if I get the time for it. I should be playing BJ online!! Discipline, discipline..... A framed page that will load say 4-6 different boards at once.
St.Robo Rumblings.

Rob McGarvey writes -
>>Hello Eliot. You are taking some rather brave steps into this issue. You will find that once you hang the sign moderator around your neck it is open season on you. The present situation started because someone reported to me that my posts were being taken down here. I know from a phone conversation that I had with you that a number of posts were taken down that were posted by this member (remember the threat and threatening to post someones picture on Yahoo) and mentioned it to him. Go take a look at where it went from there. <<

ZG responds -

Where it went from there was that St.Robo posted at CCCafe that I was "causing trouble" at Subsequently, Robo posted at CCCafe that The Mayor had "removed several-dozens of [zengrifter's] posts," which is NOT true yet he refused a retraction of those statements when presented with the truth from Mayor.

Robo has effectively run-off ALL of the remaining knowledge-based CCCafe posters with his semi-lucid posts, and his presence here at is primarily an irritant to other reasonably-knowledgeable counters, whereas newbies may not properly initially distinguish his homespun-quackery from bonafide counter knowledge and expertise.

The real culpability for Robo's out-of-control behavior at CCCafe may rightly lie with the ineffable John May who essentially placed Rob well above his competence-level as a moderator, and who has never answered or addressed the concerns that the remaining pros have articulated repeatedly at CCCafe regarding the issue of Rob's moderator-competence and multiple previous threats of censorship. In light of the current and continued attacks upon John May's credibility, knowledgable parties are free to speculate as to May's reasoning or lack thereof.

I note as well that Rob has thus far failed to account for or address the criticisms and issues that I specifically posed in my Totalitarian Notice further up in this discussion.

As of this writing Robo is NOT allowing any communication that is critical of him to be placed at CCCafe, though he presumes to post what he wants there (and now here), regardless.

The CCCafe is now Robo's, to the victor goes the spoils, but I know that I speak for several here when I state that Robo's participation in discussion at makes this a LESS-DESIRABLE venue for quality-discussion.

Robo, as the self-professed "fundamentalist Christian" that you are, you have proven to be very much like many in your genre - hypocritical, arrogant, self-serving, and intolerant - your poor style combined with your apparent lack of discernment-powers and inability to come clean is distasteful and unbecoming of you and bothersome, as well, to many here at, at CCCafe, and elswhere throughout the BJ web-communities.

sincerely, zg

Ps - included below are the off-the-cuff responses, to my Totalitarian CCCafe notice, from the two senior CCCafe moderators disavowing any knowledge of Robo's recent and continued misbehavior at CCCafe:


- Ted Forester responds -

Ted on Totalitarianism
Posted By: alienated on 23 November 02, 3:15 a.m. in response to: The Yahoo!CCCafe's New 'Totalitarian-Protocol' ? (zengrifter)

As a "socialist/anarchist", at least according to my bj21 profile, I feel compelled to confirm that I am an enemy of almost everything, including totalitarianism. Accordingly, I would never contemplate busting anyone's post.

Seriously, though, this is news to me. Can you reveal anything more about the situation? Is it just a technical change by Yahoo or something more sinister? Certainly, I would be very much opposed to systematically biased treatment of any CCCafe poster.

John May responds

Not my doing...

Posted By: John May <[email protected]> on 23 November 02, 4:16 a.m. in response to: Red Ted on Totalitarianism (alienated)

...and I can't believe its Rob or T-hopper. So I guess its a hacker or a system change.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: St.Robo Rumblings.

Although I appreciate your perspective, as I also appreciate Robert's, I hope that all threads related to these issues will be in the space alloated for this discussion in the thread below. In other words, please do not carry that thread outside of that discussion. Please reserve that single discussion for all the claims, counter-claims, etc., you wish to present with regard to issues surrounding CC and CCC.

