The poor card counter?

the poorest tall tale card counter would be Yoshi with a 3kroll and next runner up Kool Jay with a meager 4,4k roll

are there any stories or facts with card counters who walts in the house with a 1k roll and work it to 5k or 10k??
how many successful card counters are still active on this site?

i remember seeing alot of homeless playing atlantic city (yes those horrid rules) and i think there still in the same boat where they began

my experience with blackjack is like kicking a car tire, sit down , lose and be ready to lose 100 max bets


Well-Known Member
And for what it’s worth, I started with 3K and built it into a 6 figure roll.

Yoshi is also a friend of mine and I can tell you his story is true. I have not met KJ in person, he seems very genuine and have no reason to believe he’s lying about his experiences.
Hey larry hows that jacks or better is it better than bj? I just think card counting is a croc didnt the mit lose millions at the very end? Yea croc of..

So 3 fictional characters cool jay yoshi and zen king wow just wow the ratio must be 3 over 3000 in terms of ap i read and own more books on blackjack over 2 dozens i have more software than any of you yes even cvcx and i still would not go near blackjack because my kitchen table results corresponds with all the results from previous players on this site , woo, bj21 and all other creditable sites its very sad theres so little successful players oppose to the players who are counting and still losing

I know a 2k or 6k roll is pennys in the realm of blackjack but thats what were dealing with all the players here lost 5k COLD CASH due to variance or a lousy counting system so tell me i need 10k or 100k for safety and i can explain to the past losers they should have kept goin ok?
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Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
Hey larry hows that jacks or better is it better than bj? I just think card counting is a croc didnt the mit lose millions at the very end? Yea croc of..
Since you mentioned lets put this in perspective well give you full pay Jacks or better you are playing every hand at an - .46 Ev win/loss percentage, and it doesn't get any better. At the blackjack games, I play when the EV win-lost percentage reaches a minus .46 I am looking for a new table.

LC Larry

Well-Known Member
If it's a "croc", why do these counters get thrown out? Wouldn't you think casinos would send the private jets and limos for them?


Well-Known Member
Ryemo said:
And for what it’s worth, I started with 3K and built it into a 6 figure roll.

Yoshi is also a friend of mine and I can tell you his story is true. I have not met KJ in person, he seems very genuine and have no reason to believe he’s lying about his experiences.

Yes I built a pathetically tiny roll into something massive. I'm embarrassed to disclose the number of rounds it required. So I won't.


Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
the poorest tall tale card counter would be Yoshi with a 3kroll and next runner up Kool Jay with a meager 4,4k roll
sidthesquid said:
So 3 fictional characters cool jay yoshi and zen king wow just wow the ratio must be 3 over 3000 in terms of ap i read and own more books on blackjack over 2 dozens i have more software than any of you yes even cvcx and i still would not go near blackjack because my kitchen table results corresponds with all the results from previous players on this site , woo, bj21 and all other creditable sites its very sad theres so little successful players oppose to the players who are counting and still losing
Runner up? How the hell did I fall to tall tale #2. Damn that Yoshi. :rolleyes:

The only thing that surprises me about these comments by Sidthesquid is that it took a couple months after he started posting here. o_O

For those that don't know, Sidthesquid did the same thing at WoV. For 2 solid years he attacked me, trying to discredit me and this was when I wasn't even a member of the site and couldn't reply. Sid's uses a form of my name, which is technically doxxing, trying to do me harm. Sid was recently banned from Wizardof Vegas Forum when he repeatedly posted similar nonsense about me and even went as far as to ask for information about me (address, phone number and picture) from members at WoV. So yeah sidthesquid is a real dickwad.

I can tell you this much. Based on comments made, sid goes back to this site, blackjackinfo before the re-incarnation of the site. Of course he was using a different handle then. :rolleyes: So Sid's issue with me, seems to be that he is a failed card counter and one of several such card counters that seems to blame me for their card counting experience not going as they had hoped.

I have said this before and I will say it again: Sidthesquid, I am NOT responsible for your card counting career or experience not going as you had hoped. I NEVER encouraged anyone to follow my path or take up card counting at any level, so STOP BLAMING me for your failure. Take responsibility for your own actions.
:confused:im a dickwad? your the biggest dickwad douche bag rolled up in a mexican baby diaper bag!

and no i dont blame you, just think its all funny is how you think i attacked you i still believe you are a fictional character deployed by the casinos to get ppl like me into it i wont fall for it, Joel may have, Billy did, and maybe Jimmtech but not me!

and i dont play jacks or better or full pay

and what happen i thought you had me on ignore you used diaper bag:eek:
This may be a bad place to post a first post, but I’ve been working a roll into a more comfortable roll over a few months, and I’ll say, if you have the guts, brains and luck, I think it’s not that hard to work up a 2-3k roll to a 5 digit roll.


Well-Known Member
And BTW, I know of about a dozen active counters that have similar beginnings as mine that have built a BR from small beginnings, with at least half of them now playing at a level where BJ accounts for all of most of their livelihood.

Beginning with 3, 4, 5 thousand dollars or some other amount under 10k, and building it into a significant bankroll is not some miraculous thing. But it does require good luck or good fortune. Just the fact than you don't bust out when playing underfunded like that is good fortune. :) But I would be willing to bet that for everyone of us 12 similar beginnings, and even those similar that I don't know of that succeeded, there were a thousand under funded players (or more) that busted out and moved on to something else. We just don't hear those stories as they are not here to tell them. o_O

A couple years ago, I negotiated a book deal with a well known Las Vegas gambling book publisher. I have since backed out of that deal and put that project on hold, as I am just not ready for that project. Maybe later in my career. ;) But I remember when I met with the publisher, who is a well know figure here in Vegas, he said something along the lines that he too knew quite a number of successful card counters/AP's that started with similar position. It just is not that uncommon, especially for younger guys starting out. I would dare say the more uncommon scenario is someone starting out significantly funded with 50-100k. I just don't hear too many of those scenarios. o_O


Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
:confused:im a dickwad? your the biggest dickwad douche bag rolled up in a mexican baby diaper bag!

and no i dont blame you, just think its all funny is how you think i attacked you i still believe you are a fictional character deployed by the casinos to get ppl like me into it i wont fall for it, Joel may have, Billy did, and maybe Jimmtech but not me!

and i dont play jacks or better or full pay

and what happen i thought you had me on ignore you used diaper bag:eek:
I hope you have your next forum picked out and lined up because I suspect you won't be here long. :rolleyes: Try BJTF. You probably will allowed to attack me to your hearts content there. ;)
i read every post on this site dating back its threshold

i read every post on bj21 and the wizards site

all my information i collected people lost big and continue to lose just like i do on the kitchen table followed by a poor act id get the boot

id rather play poker games for now with 100+return percentage goodluck to those new to blackjack , just read one post from zen king you will see what i mean


Well-Known Member
On ZenKing: First you call ZenKing a 'fictional character". And then you hold him up as an example that card counting doesn't work. Can't be both. o_O

I don't want to speak for Zenking because 1.) he is a member here and capable of speaking for himself and 2.) because he is a bit nuts. :p

BUT, put a side some of Zenking's bizarreness associated with his postings....his abrasive and obnoxious attitude that rubs people the wrong way and makes many (myself included) want to root against him.

Let's focus on just his numbers. Last I saw his total BJ numbers were something like $43,400 won over 1066 hours. The last portion of those numbers include his results in Las Vegas over the last 10 months, which are something like +$3333 over 228 hours.

I see a lot of people focusing on this smaller subset of $3333 over 228 hours. Yeah, that segment is roughly $15 / hr and I am sure under-performing his EV. very short term results and pretty meaningless. His larger amount of data, spanning several years is $43,4000 over 1066 hours. I don't know what his expected value is, so I don't know how that stacks up. That too may be below expectation, I don't know. But both the total data (results) and the smaller less significant portion of those results fall within the normal range of standard deviation.

So there is nothing unusual, or particularly "bad" about the results that he posted. The only real problem that he has experienced has been that he allowed a slow start, or a negative period, as he relocated, bother him to the extent that he stopped playing for significant periods, so he really has very limited play over those 10 months....certainly not enough to live on.

The lesson, that I would hope he has learned is that if you are going to play for a have to PLAY. You have to believe in the math and play through the down periods and KNOW that the more you play and accumulate EV, that results will fall in line, assuming you are playing a winning game.

But for you to take a segment of Zenking's results, a small insignificant segment of a below expectation run and attempt to put some sort of meaning behind it to support your incorrect ideas, just proves you have no clue about what you are talking about. :eek:


Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
i read every post on this site dating back its threshold

i read every post on bj21 and the wizards site

all my information i collected people lost big and continue to lose just like i do on the kitchen table followed by a poor act id get the boot
What are you talking about? :confused:

There are hundreds of players on these sites mentioned that are winning players, with significant winning results. On this site alone, I will mention a few: Ryemo, 21forme, LVBear, Bosox, LC Larry, Johndoe, T-Bonz, Zengrifter, Zenking, and even Zeebabar with all his issue, has significant winning results.

Serious question: Are you drunk? been drinking? because you aren't making any sense and appear to be making shit up out of thin air.:eek:
i do not know if counting does work in real life or does not, i do know however it is gambling and i could lose my bank account followed by a barring, do i want that sequence to play out? HELL NO! you seem to brag how you crushed atlantic city those atricious rules with 8 decker hit 17 you made more money than 75% of work force in philly in your early days of early 2000 18 years ago yes i know you started 4,400 cause you said so, i truly do not know how lucky you were was it a 1 in 10 shot? perhaps 1 in 1000? i read many many posts people lost their 4k and 5k and a few 10k rolls some with degrees in math, what degree in an edge did those counters have? again i have no idea or answer but there statements stand on there own 2 feet comparing my analysis
at home with my software. today at the casino i saw dealer have 10/10/ and her next hand had an 8 showing pulled out a bunch of babies and bam 21 her next hand was a blackjack, i walked far away from the table and felt bad for the players who pushed out 25$ min table and some had more than 25$ ouch. maybe she lost the next 3 rounds? who knows i do know 3k or 4,400 wont cut it todays min bets and with the new face reading software they have on camera how long can one get away with counting?
so even if the thoery is correct and i am dead wrong the house will catch you and your off to the next gaming house

what do you want me to say counting works for some people and not everyone? then the blackjack game would not exist? didn't work for billy did not work for jimmtech did not work for Joel its not working for me but clearly its working for you and LC larry and T bonz boy what is going on here
what is the old and new counters having a hard time over simple math hmmm


Well-Known Member
sidthesquid said:
you seem to brag how you crushed atlantic city those atricious rules with 8 decker hit 17 you made more money than 75% of work force in philly in your early days of early 2000 18 years ago yes i know you started 4,400 cause you said so,
18 years ago, in 2000, I was in high school. AND not even in my senior year. :confused:

I began my blackjack career in 2004. My starting bankroll, which was everything I owned at the time was $4300 (This is about the only thing you are even close on).

I would ask you to show me where I EVER suggested that I crushed those Atlantic City 8 deck games? I never said or suggested anything like that! Anyone familiar with my story probably knows that I made 31,000 over my first 3 years playing AC. That is NOT 31,000 per year. That is $31,000 TOTAL over 3 years or about $10,000 per year. (1 year was below $10,000). AND I am pretty sure most of the workforce in Phila makes more than that. ;)

So you are just making shit up! I never EVER suggested I crushed AC. I survived AC for almost 6 years. Skimped and saved and managed to build up my bankroll some after those first 3 years.

sidthesquid said:
today at the casino i saw dealer have 10/10/ and her next hand had an 8 showing pulled out a bunch of babies and bam 21 her next hand was a blackjack, i walked far away from the table and felt bad for the players who pushed out 25$ min table and some had more than 25$ ouch. maybe she lost the next 3 rounds?
So you saw the dealer pull 3 good hands (bad for the player) in a row and based on that...conclude it is impossible to win at this game. THAT tells me all I need to know. You have zero understanding of blackjack play!

sidthesquid said:
didn't work for billy did not work for jimmtech did not work for Joel
I don't know or care who Joel is (no offense to Joel), or Jimmitech (this name sounds familiar from one of the forums) and I have no knowledge of Billythekid in 10 years now. You seem to know (OR BE) billythekid. :rolleyes:

sidthesquid said:
its not working for me
And as I mentioned earlier....THIS is really the whole issue. You aren't winning, so you are blaming me and /or others, when the facts suggest that you just have no clue about blackjack play in general. o_O

Although I am trying to get away from offering advice, let me offer you some: Don't play blackjack. You really have no clue about the game.

And with that, I am done. I am out of troll food. :)
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