The SeaEscape a great memory!


Well-Known Member
spent many a wonderful day and night over the years sailing the atlantic three miles out and three miles back. great people, great service invaluable fun. a time bygone.
it's with a profound sense of sadness that i need to report the demise of a once great venue:
(Dead link:

SeaEscape To Sail Into Broward Sunset ... Forever

POSTED: 7:45 am EDT August 12, 2008
UPDATED: 11:59 am EDT August 12, 2008

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- SeaEscape may have sailed its final voyage out of Port Everglades.

On Tuesday morning, county commissioners voted to end an agreement with the day-gaming cruise line.

According to county records, the cruise line was late in paying $51,000 to the port for services and security last May.

SeaEscape operated out of Port Everglades for 21 years, generating nearly $2 million a year in revenue. But new casinos that have opened in Broward County have made business very difficult for the cruise line.

In a letter issued by SeaEscape Tuesday, the company lists a number of factors for leaving Broward County, including the condition of the local economy, the high cost of operating from Port Everglades compared to other ports and onshore competition.

bon voyage ole girl and thanks for the good times.

