Thoughts on Card Counting


Well-Known Member
We have all read the posts announcing retirement from our chosen hobby or profession, Blackjack. Some are disgruntled, others disenchanted, still others just tired of the 'grind.'

The math works, this we know. Some claim to have additional perception, others have claimed harnessing additional intuition or esp. My experience has been utterly amazing, heart wrenching, wonderful, and sometimes seemingly controlled by divined intervention.

The cards don't care how you feel or what you think.
The cards most definitely don't give a damn what your wife or girlfriend think.
The dealer, pit boss, house have no effect whatsoever on the math.
The various counting methods do vary slightly in advantage ( I stuck with hi/lo because I know my mental limits).
When you lose the count, you lose your money.
Sometimes you lose on a high count, sometimes you win on a low count.
The "Heat" just ain't that bad; make the bets when the count is high!
The swings are severe, deal with it.
Don't overbet your bankroll!!!
If you have not lost 20 plus hands IN A ROW, you have not played Blackjack very long.
When you do get asked to leave, be polite, tip the dealer, cash your chips, AND GET OUT!

Several times in my life I have supplemented my income by thousands per month card counting. several times in my life I have lost the last 2 or 3K I had to my name and I had to get back to a real job.

Blackjack is a fickle misteress, but I am far better off for having known her, and I will continue the almighty counting game, for better or for worse. The down trips must be studied and remembered, but stuffing banded bricks in your pockets and getting in the car or plane more than makes up for 20 hand in a row losing sessions we will all eventually endure.

Just my thoughts for today.