To those in and around Santa Barbara


Well-Known Member
Chumash and Fess Parker drop plans for resort

California (Indian gaming) - Associated Press - The Chumash Indian tribe and former actor Fess Parker dumped plans to build a resort hotel and luxury homes on 745 acres of the former "Davey Crockett" star's ranch after they failed to agree on the size of the hotel and value of the land. The project was the first of its kind proposed by a California tribe. Residents in the upscale Santa Barbara County community said they were relieved that the project had been dropped. The proposal, if developed under Indian sovereignty laws, would have enabled Parker and the Chumash to skirt local land-use restrictions on a property that has not yet been designated as Indian land. The deal would have made use of a Depression-era law intended to compensate impoverished Native Americans for tribal lands confiscated by the government. It fell apart in recent months as the tribe and Parker were unable to negotiate a final agreement. Parker said Chumash officials wanted a 300-room hotel, while he was hoping for "something more modest," the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Not interested says Disney

Not interested was the word from Disney about running a new series called Davey and the Chumash.



Well-Known Member
This is the line that I find most amazing from the story...

"...with the tribe's 154 members getting about $350,000 each year in casino's revenue..."

Are the Chumash people real Indians, or just casino Indians? The "Mashantucket Pequot" tribe that runs Foxwoods has this big museum (with paid admission!) of their ersatz history. It burns me up to see them first screwing the public with bad games, then ripping off legitimate Amerind history and culture with their bogus cover act.


Well-Known Member
not worth a visit

Perhaps because of their location and the mayor's history there, we have many a discussion about the Chumash casino.
I do not play there but have gone to a concert there recently. Still a very bad h-17, 6 deck shoe with the dealer cutting over 2 decks, saw some close to a half shoe.
Comps were near nothing in the past and the poker room takes too big of a cut.
So to protect their game that no one here will play I believe they now have RFID chips.

It's nice to own a casino in the Santa Barbara area and have no competition within 200 or more miles. It is just not nice to play there.



Well-Known Member
I had a friend who worked in the tribal admin offices

She said they each get a much more modest $30,000 a year.