Using UBZ II with the Color of Blackjack


Hi guys. I've been a KO player for many years. I picked up The Color of Blackjack book a couple years ago and have been using that strategy on six deck games ever since. It seemed pretty effective but I wanted to see if I could increase my odds with UBZ II.

I bought the pamphlet a few years ago ago and tried it, but gave up since KO was much easier. Recently I tried again and for whatever reason, I have it down this time.

Lately I've been applying the UBZ2 count to the CoB strategy at a few low limit tables to test the effectiveness. It seems to work well, but the problem is that I don't really know the exact numbers for the warm line in UBZ like the ones that are illustrated in the book for KO.

I'm guessing at the table, which I know is bad. For example, with 2 decks gone out of 6, and the RC is 14, I would increase my bet. Now using KO I know that this is the right move, but is the same true in UBZ?

It has been so long since I have used the system and now I can't find the damn pamphlet! The thing is too small.

So, two questions:

1. Does anyone know the warm line numbers for UBZ II or can someone point me in the right direction as to how I can calculate them myself?

2. How closely does the UBZ RC correlate with the KO running count? (Example 6decks: If I have +24 in KO, it is HOT. If I have +24 in UBZ2, is it still HOT? Or it worth less because it is a level 2 system?)

Thanks in advance for your help.


Thanks HeadsUp, it's a start.

Anybody else know the answer of how closely the UBZII key and pivot points correlate to the KO ones? I'm looking specifically for 2 and 6 decks. I suppose I'll need to buy another pamphlet if I can't find my old one soon.


I've gone through this thread a few times in the past:

BJInfo Open Source UBZ II V0.5

It contains a lot of info and when I looked at it again today, I believe that it does contain the answers I am looking for once I decipher it.

My primary concern in developing a warm line for UBZII (true count converting it but removing the division) is that I am not positive that true counts are equal between level 1 and level 2 systems.

One thing I took from that thread: a TC of +2 in KO and a TC of +2 in UBZII are not exactly equal. Correct me if this is wrong...

So, I can't simply find the TC numbers in KO that the warm line equals in Color of Blackjack and apply those to the same TC numbers in UBZII...

Sorry if this is confusing... I am confusing myself too but I think I am getting somewhere. Is anyone still using a similiar system to the one in that thread?
I too am interested in applying the COB approach to UBZII. Using a very inelegant "hunt and peck" approach I've found edge improvements to very from 4-11% due to the ability to increase one's bet early and/or drop it faster late when the true advantage is not as great as the RC would lead one to believe. TwoHands, please feel free to PM me or email at [email protected] if you'd like to share research - I plan on utilizing the CV suite of products.

Lastly, I found this thread helpful:

Cincinnati Kid