

New Member
Does anyone know if there is a basic strategy table for a counter? An example would be varying the hit/stand for a 14 vs dealer 4-6 with a strong negative count or splitting 10s with a positive count. I had heard that Sanford Wong was working on one, but I never heard anything beyond that. Does anyone know if one exists?


Staff member
You're talking about card counting indexes

What you are describing is available in just about any reputable book about blackjack, including Stanford Wong's Professional Blackjack.

It's an index table, showing at what count it is appropriate to make whatever play.

If you are instead interested in just a basic strategy chart that is optimized for card counting, check out Counter Basic Strategy.


Well-Known Member
Exceptions to basic strategy

there are 18 exceptions to basic strategy when counting cards, if you want to send your email address to me in a private message, I will forward to you.


Well-Known Member
Hi-Opt II deviation from BS according to count

If you use Hi-opt II you can find everything about it in Book "Play BlackJack like Pros" by Kevin Blackwood. There is table explaining how to deviate from basic strategy according to count, how to spred your bet etc.