Was this "heat"


Well-Known Member
I wonged into a shoe and lost $1300. About hour later, I wonged into the same shoe and lost another $1700. What a great day... I then took a walk out of the casino to "shake it off". When I walk back to the pit (20 mins later) this suit I haven't seen before approaches me. He asks if I want a players card. I say no. He then asks to see my ID to verify age. I tell him I was just ID'ed at the door. He says yes, but you dont have a stamp. I end up showing him my ID. He then walks over to the floor man who was in charge of the table I lost at and points me out. I hear him saying that is him, his name is.... He then walked away and I didnt see him agein. Nothing else was said and I didn't play anymore.

By the way, all this happened in a Canadian casino. Im not 100% sure but I dont think they can kick out counters.

Im thinking this was heat, but im not 100% convinced. Could it be that they needed a name to go with the large loss?


Well-Known Member
Tough to say. If you dropped 3 grand, then he may have been trying to get your info for marketing purposes to make sure they can lure you back to the casino again.

However, borderline insisting on the ID makes it more of a toss-up. Although, if you look like you're 16, it would be a tossup.

There is a decent chance it was heat, and they may be keeping a close eye on you the next time you walk in. It would be worth finding out what the gaming regulations are with what they can do to you.


Well-Known Member
my last trip i wonged 4 tables in the same pit for hours.... i lost around 800 .... the pit loved me and asked me if i wanted a players card... i gave them the old "i dont want spam mail" excuse with a smile and they left me alone


Well-Known Member
customer service, not heat

Jeff, my guess is that if those two shoes are the only thing that have brought you any attention at that casino, they might only want the name of a guy who is willing to put some money on their felt. Marketing offers, the pit being able to call you by name and perhaps offering you a meal or room or something.

It takes more than 2 shoes to evaluate a player, but if your wonging style is obvious, there is the possibility that in the future they will watch you closer.

The only thing that you can be absolutely sure about on your return is that if you go back soon, that shift will remember you. For now I think they will remember you as a gambler.
