What are the odds?

Hi guys, first post here and probably a stupid one but give me a chance!

I have had a good look at the Wizard of Odds site and couldn't find the answer to my question, and the amount of posts here would probably take me weeks to see if a similar question has been posted.

Anyway, with a multi deck game what are the odds of sticking & winning on each hand ranging from a score of 12 and upwards and not giving a hoot what the dealer has!

I rarely play, but my wife does and she seems to win much more than she ever loses.

She basically sticks on anything from 12 and upwards no matter what the dealer has.

If somebody can direct me to a chart that would give out the info I am after that would be much appreciated.
try using thesearch option in these forums and you can be led to your subject matter pretty quickly. i am new here and this searc seems to work pretty good


Well-Known Member
The "No Bust Strategy" is well known.

See: Theory of Blackjack by Peter Griffin

In essence, it is a model for how NOT to play BJ.

It is actually the single WORST tactic that one can employ.

Over time, it is virtually guaranteed to lose

as it radically raises the House Advantage !