What could happen?


Well-Known Member
What could happen if you have been backed off from a store using your real ID then you come back a few months later with a fake ID, are able to play for a period of time and generate comps, then the casino somehow realizes your true identity? Obviously it would result in another BO or 86'ing but could it escalate even further?

Eye of the Tiger

Well-Known Member
Nevada "Fake Identification" Laws

Jeff25 said:
What could happen if you have been backed off from a store using your real ID then you come back a few months later with a fake ID, are able to play for a period of time and generate comps, then the casino somehow realizes your true identity? Obviously it would result in another BO or 86'ing but could it escalate even further?

Nevada "Fake Identification" Laws (NRS 205.460 & NRS 205.465)

It's illegal in Nevada to sell or even possess a fake ID for fraudulent purposes. And not only do the penalties include high fines and even prison time. Potential employers who see it on your background check may assume you're dishonest and therefore decline to hire you.

Our Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys have enjoyed great success in getting criminal charges reduced to lesser offenses or dismissed completely. To learn more about Las Vegas fake ID law and how we can help, keep reading.



Good Luck :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I've heard rumors of arrests actually taking place, but upon further investigation I usually end up finding out that there are also other, more sinister things going on.

Here's what REALLY happens: They take it away from you and 86 you again. I'm basing this on personal experience; over the years it has happened to me or an acquaintance of mine, many times (more than twenty).

In all of these times, only ONCE did I ever see a casino try to push it any farther, by trying to have the person arrested. When the casino called the police, they were told: "It's too minor of an offense for us to send an officer. Just confiscate it and bar the woman".

Another time, as I was getting on a boat in Louisiana; I noticed a pile of about 20-25 fake ID's sitting on the security guards' podium at the entrance to the boat. I struck up a conversation with him about it. It turned out that they were all from underage people trying to get on the boat (he was quite proud of his ability to spot fake IDs :) ). In the conversation he did mention that they never arrest any of those kids; all they ever do is just confiscate the ID & send them on their way.