What do you do for a living?


Well-Known Member
JohnCrover said:
"McDolands didn't cut it last time and saying I'm unemployed makes them think I'm a drug dealer. What would be a good story?
Tell them you’re a business owner. Doesn’t matter what industry; preferably one you’re familiar with. If you tell them you own the company, then there’s no cap in terms of your salary, so that could easily explain your ability to put a lot of money into play.
You’re young I’m assuming, a business that didn’t take a ton of capital to start and you don’t have to know a lot about would be a start. Small Landscaping business, roofing etc
JJP said:
John Crover,

How often have you been asked? Most dealers I see aren't that talkative.
I have been asked three times that I can remember off the top of my head and I flopped pretty hard each time. I'm pretty sure 2/3 of them thought I was a drug dealer.