what dose it matter


i am very new at card counting and gambeling in general. i am to young to gamble at a casino, i'm 15, but after seeing a breaking vegas on the history channel. i am aquireing every bit of knolage i can. it also dosen't hurt that i have always been decently well at math. excuse my if my termanology and spelling is wrong. so anyway my question is about tagging a number 10,j,q,k,A -1 and 1-6 +1. well it seams to be easier in my mind to swick the lavies to being 10,j,q,k,A to +1 and 1-6 -1. is there any real reason why i shouldn't do it like this. keep in mind that i am very new and i have only gotten into running a deck.


New Member

I never heard of that, I guess you can count them however you wish. Just remember to bet high when the count is low instead of high.