When is the shoe done?


Active Member
Short simple question. Does the dealer use the necessary cards from the cut off at the last round, or does he end the shoe when he dertermines that theres not enough cards for another round? Or is this done in more that one way?


Well-Known Member
either OR

DonFinuchi said:
Short simple question. Does the dealer use the necessary cards from the cut off at the last round, or does he end the shoe when he dertermines that theres not enough cards for another round? Or is this done in more that one way?
It can be done either way... the USUAL way is to deal down to the cut card and through the cut card if more cards are needed in the current round. Some dealers throw the cut card to the player it comes out on to designate he will cut the next shuffle.

BUT, a dealer usually has at his discretion, the authority to shuffle any time before the cut card.


Well-Known Member
This is an issue re: hand-held games.
What we refer to as "pitch" games.
Games where 1 or 2 decks are used.

Learn about the "cut card effect"


Well-Known Member
An alternate way of doing this is: The instant the "cut" card comes out; play is halted and all cards on the table REMAIN on the table, and in play; while the dealer shuffles the rest of the cards. She then places the shuffled cards back in the shoe and continues the hand from that point.

This method is very common in the casinos throughout Europe; although I can't remember for sure whether or not it's the prevailing method in Denmark.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that is not the way they do it at my local casino (dealing in the middle of the last round), but I will have to observe next time I am there.

I noticed that when the dealer shuffles the decks, he lets a player put the cut card in a random place in the pile. This is not what decides the level of penetration, is it?

Sorry about my questions beeing so nooby...


Well-Known Member
This is not what determines the penetration (Wouldn't THAT be sweet?). After the player cuts the cards, the dealer then separates the deck at the point where the cut card is. She then takes the cards that are in back of the cut card & moves them around to the front of the deck. Then she takes the cut card from the back and places it back into the deck. If she puts it in the very middle; that's what would be known as 50% penetration. If she puts it 3/4 of the way from the front - 75% penetration. Etc., etc.


Active Member
That makes way more sence.. Although I could se how letting the player decide the level of penetration would be sweet...

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