Why stand with 7,7 against a ten?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why the basic strategy engine says to stand with a 7,7 against a ten in single deck. I would think you should hit and hope for a six or another seven. Is it just one of those things where the computer says you'll lose less if you stand?


Well-Known Member
7 & 7

jimbiggs said:
I was wondering why the basic strategy engine says to stand with a 7,7 against a ten in single deck. I would think you should hit and hope for a six or another seven. Is it just one of those things where the computer says you'll lose less if you stand?
Ordinarily yes, you would hit and hope for a six or seven, but the fact that you are already holding 2 of the 4 sevens reduces your odds greatly. With such little chance of getting a 21 it ends up being better to stand.

As Ken said, this only applies to single deck BJ. With more decks in play there will be more sevens available and the odds shift in favor of hitting.
