Wong's spliting 10s with HiLo


What is your aproach vs spliting mentioned in Wong's "Pro BJ" on p86 (Spliting with No Hole rules):
  • 10s vs 3 with TC8+
  • 10s vs 4 with TC4+
  • 10s vs 5 with TC5+
  • 10s vs 6 with TC6+
Should I use it as well ?:)


Well-Known Member
Hi Lostman, splitting TT vs 3 is correct at TC8 but you have the other indices back to front. It could be just a typo of yours but it should be spitting TT vs 4,5,6 at TC 6,5,4 respectively.
It is often said that only card counters and idiots split tens. It can generate heat once they work out which one you are.
yes, it was typo:)

Thank You for confirmation. Btw I'm using opposing betting with negative TC with alone play or at crowdy table.

I'm not the fan of Wonging at tables, so occasionally "dummy" moves should be ok :)