Dealer Mistakes


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
If the drunks offer me a legal game of skill I might accept their challenge. Until then, the drunks are safe from APs.

And if the banks start saying "Come on in and try to take our money. If you do it properly it's perfectly legal!" I will consider that challenge as well. Until then, the banks are also safe from APs.

So there are no other APs who will admit to some of the behavior that I described? :eek: At least I'm being honest.
I applaud your honesty Sonny, if not all of your behavior. :laugh: I am not judging. Only you can decide what's right for you. It did seem from the way you discribed your behavior that you may not be comfortable with it all.

As for me, I take advantage of all dealer errors, just as they take advantage of mine. I have even been know to induce a few. (shouting, "yes 22 when the dealer draws a 5 or 6 card 21....sometimes it actually works) Although I try to be a truthful person, sometimes a little white lie is acceptable :rolleyes: However, I personally draw the line at trying to take advantage of other presumably weaker players. It is just not something I am comfortable with.
I've already admitted to some of that behavior and I'll add that I don't correct bank mistakes in my favor. The problem is that banks are a helluva lot smarter than casinos and have always caught the error and corrected it by themselves.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
It did seem from the way you discribed your behavior that you may not be comfortable with it all.
I'm quite comfortable with all of it. I just accept the fact that some people consider what I do to be immoral. I am not ashamed of anything I do, nor am I bothered by other people's opinions.

I was watching the 700 Club a few days ago (not by choice) and someone said something along the lines of "I'm looking to buy a house and I see a lot of great deals on foreclosures, but I don't feel comfortable taking advantage of someone else's misfortune." Obviously some people have very different moral standards than I do.

Sonny said:
I was watching the 700 Club a few days ago (not by choice) and someone said something along the lines of "I'm looking to buy a house and I see a lot of great deals on foreclosures, but I don't feel comfortable taking advantage of someone else's misfortune." Obviously some people have very different moral standards than I do.

Buying a foreclosure is not taking advantage of someone else's misfortune. In fact, if it is a short sale, you're helping the homeowner out by getting them off the hook. If it's a foreclosure, you're getting unwanted inventory off the books of the bank so they have more money to lend. That makes you a hero.


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I'm quite comfortable with all of it. I just accept the fact that some people consider what I do to be immoral. I am not ashamed of anything I do, nor am I bothered by other people's opinions.

I was watching the 700 Club a few days ago (not by choice) and someone said something along the lines of "I'm looking to buy a house and I see a lot of great deals on foreclosures, but I don't feel comfortable taking advantage of someone else's misfortune." Obviously some people have very different moral standards than I do.

I dont think that is a good comparision at all, especially since I just bought a condo in Novemeber that had been foreclosed on. :laugh: I didn't contribute to the prior owners financial mistakes and/or misfortune. In the case of lying and tricking another player, you are directly contributing to their misfortune. No different that a salesman selling swamp land in florida or a used car with a blown engine and personally I wouldn't be comfortable with either of those jobs. Thats just me though. There are plenty of people that are comfortable doing so, as there is no shortage of shisters and scammers.


Well-Known Member
Seaclusion said:
Buying a foreclosure is not taking advantage of someone else's misfortune.
I know, but what do you expect from the 700 Club? :rolleyes: It's just an example of how people's viewpoints are often very different and can cause them to condemn behavior that other people don't consider to be wrong at all. I don't see anything wrong with targeting flashing dealers, but I know some people do. I respect both sides but I don't feel bad about what I do. Different viewpoints, different moral standards. Live and let live.

On the theme of flashing dealers, I sat at a table yesterday that had the hole card reader mounted very high up off the table. The dealer had to lift his hole and top card almost half an inch to stick it in the reader. I was in third base as I like to be but wasn't able to spook the hole card. I suspect this mounting arrangement may be susceptable to holecarding of some fashion


Well-Known Member
Seaclusion said:
I suspect this mounting arrangement may be susceptable to holecarding of some fashion
Only if you're comfortable taking advantage of a dealer who is weak, and possibly taking advantage of them pretty badly. :)

I am perfectly comfortable with doing that just as I stated in the thread about ruthless casino they are perfectly comfortable exploiting a weak player at their tables.


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I know, but what do you expect from the 700 Club? :rolleyes: It's just an example of how people's viewpoints are often very different and can cause them to condemn behavior that other people don't consider to be wrong at all. I don't see anything wrong with targeting flashing dealers, but I know some people do. I respect both sides but I don't feel bad about what I do. Different viewpoints, different moral standards. Live and let live.

Jesus still loves you Sonny. :)


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
If the drunks offer me a legal game of skill I might accept their challenge. Until then, the drunks are safe from APs.

And if the banks start saying "Come on in and try to take our money. If you do it properly it's perfectly legal!" I will consider that challenge as well. Until then, the banks are also safe from APs.

So there are no other APs who will admit to some of the behavior that I described? :eek: At least I'm being honest.

I too take advantage of every opportunity available. There was a player next to me that was very indecisive about his play when he had 14-16 v 8-A, so I would tell him to hit/stand when the count was -/+, respectively. I would suggest sharing doubles and splits even if it hurts the other player and do what I can to keep people off the table in good counts. I am in the same boat as you when I know that what I do is considered immoral to some, and I am fine with that.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
bjcount said:
:eek: i'm in shock!:eek:

and you have the audacity to publicly admit all your short comings... :rolleyes:

Yes, me too. Bad and immoral in the casino. Taking advantage of fellow players. Taking advantge of drunks.

Sonny, you Stink. Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
The Legend Begins

So now I'm mugging drunks and taking advantage of players? What next? Tripping old ladies? :devil:

Only in casinos of course.


Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Sonny, don't kid youself. You are no LEGEND

Sonny said:
Maybe I'm the first AP to publicly admit it, but when I am in a casino I do NOT behave morally. I take advantage of situations that I normally wouldn't. I take advantage of people - pretty badly sometimes. I sometimes lie to people, or at least mislead them intentionally. I specifically target people who are weak and sometimes considered helpless. I often conspire with other people to help pull off a play. I make no appologies and I make no attempts to justify my behavior. I am completely honest with myself and everyone else about it - I do NOT behave morally when I am in a casino. I get the money LEGALLY. I guess that makes me a bad person. So be it.

If the drunks offer me a legal game of skill I might accept their challenge. Until then, the drunks are safe from APs.

I rest my case
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Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
So now I'm mugging drunks and taking advantage of players? What next? Tripping old ladies? :devil:

Only in casinos of course.

Sonny, did you really sell a handicapped woman's wheelchair for scrap metal while she was sitting at the roulette table? :flame::laugh:


Well-Known Member
crap time flies

Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess i opened a can of worms..... A few things.... yes i have a very nice edge at 3cp. :p some dealers better than others. I even have a nice list of names and badge numbers handy that are always at hand to do a quick check if they happen to not be dealing at the time i am walking by.
I have been very busy in the store for sure. It's a 20 hour a day job. Kind of slowing down now, not alot of customers... I usually get on here and read for an hour in the wee hours of the morning.. So yes i am alive..
Somebody else asked about the pair plus ??? Obviously not, but i tell you every dealer that hasn't dealt to me are in shock i won't play it.. Most have accepted my play now, i tip fairly well and rule number one is ALWAYS be the happy guy at the table...
You should see the look on peoples faces when i turn up trips , or a strait flush, they go berserk!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!! As soon as my betting unit hits 50 or so i can bet a little on the pair plus and still be good.... Until then, nothing...
Crazy for poker is the other game i sit at if there is absolutely nothing going on... Now i ran into this a few times..........Other players that want to play my pairs plus or on 4 CD the queens up. So i have cleared the rules with the pit, and its no problem as long as i put the bet up...
Couple of days a go, i sit beside a guy that is shocked i am not playing the queens up bet. I told him have at it, give me some chips and tell me what you want to bet. He was happy as a clam having 2 spots in action. Then he says, boy if we hit something your gonna get a big tip!!!!!!!!! The old light bulb went on :). Okay this sounds like a free roll for me.. Anyways we played for 30 minutes i got a few straits, he was up a few bucks, he is leaving and shoots me a green chip... I tried to give it back but he wouldn't take it!!!!! Okay i take it and thank him.. Now they are changing the cards and i go to the bathroom, come back the guy is gone and he has given me 2 redbirds!!!!!!!!!!! Wow
So I'm thinking you get a few locals, regulars that can't stand you not making that bet and let them bet it. Sooner or later your gonna hit the 40 to 1 payoff and there is no doubt your gonna get a tip, probably large!!!!
How many of you guys have done this? I've heard of guys hustling the craps table sort of like that....
So that's what i have been doing with my down time. Also practicing a little back counting when i feel like it..
In my line of business you play the machines like they are going to be taken out tomorrow, and eventually they are usually sooner than later.....

Have a good friend gave me a quote::: Do what you gotta do now, so that you can do what you want to do later...... So 20 hours days now so i can do fun stuff later:p, lots of fun stuff... LOL

Thanks all



Well-Known Member
Sonny might not be so bad. . .

I missed the post where Sonny recycled the wheelchair. So I am curious as to how far Sonny and moo321 are in their actions vs perceived ethics?

moo321 said:
I'll do a lot to the casinos. Taking advantage of players I'm less likely to do.
Sonny, please reply as well.

Say I'm laying down 2 Green chips and catch a 6,5 against a six. I start fumbling around pockets etc. and don't have enough for a double down. (In reality I'd never do this, but for instance.)
So you (Moo/Sonny) graciously loan me 2 green chips to make the double. I/We win. I hand you back 3 greens and 5 reds. How many chips would you hand me back, if any?