Advantage Play for the Casino Executive


Subject : Advantage Play for the Casino Executive
posted by ArnoldSnyder on

Bill Zender has a new book: "Advantage Play for the Casino Executive." It is similar to his 1990 book, "Card Counting for the Casino Executive," in that it describes player techniques for the pit and game protection crew who are trying to stop us.
If you are trying to beat the casinos using advantage play, Zender's book may be the best place to start to increase your arsenal of techniques. Plus, you'll get a good idea of how casino folk look for players who are using these techniques which should aid you in your approach to camouflage.
The chapter on hole card play has basic how-to advice on many of the most common, and a few obsolete, strategies. He also discusses the advantages to be gained and legality of these types of plays. (Essentially, it's legal if you use no devices, and all involved in the play are sitting at the table.)
The chapter on shuffle tracking discusses slug tracking, sequential tracking and ace location. He also discusses a few other BJ techniques, but surprisingly there is very little on team play.
In his chapter on roulette play, he discusses both biased wheels and wheel clocking techniques. Most of the focus is on biased wheels with a fairly thorough discussion of how players find them and determine the value of the bias based on data collection. Most of this is taken from Barnhart's book,"Beating the Wheel."
In a chapter on dice control, he references the books on this subject by Wong and Scoblete, as well as various web information sources. However, he pretty much concludes that it is probably not an advantage technique that casinos need to worry about, provided they require shooters to hit the back wall of the table when they throw the dice.
He also briefly covers 3-card poker, Caribbean stud, slots and video poker. The book is 137 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, spiral bound.
I don't know the price because Zender sent me a review copy and there's no price printed on it. Call Gamblers Book Shop in LV as I'm sure they'll be carrying it. (I don't know if it's on Amazon, but I doubt it.) It's definitely worth a read for players who are wondering about many of these techniques. It may be just an intro to many of these topics, but you will definitely be steered in the right direction on a lot of esoteric techiniques.