Advantage Play with Craps


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This week on the radio show Kenny and I are pleased to have on as our guest Frank Scoblete the # 1 best selling gaming author in America .

Frank is exceutive director of the Golden Touch advantage - play seminars in craps and blackjack

His newest book is The Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution .

He is in Las Vegas this week holding his blackjack Speed Count System classes that is taught by Henry Tamburin .

Henry Tamburin will also be joining us in the studio along with Dominator the co - author of Dice Control Revolution.

You can listen to the show live this Thursday nightat 6 PM Pacific Time on KLAV 1230 on the am dial .

It can also be heard over the internet at

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You can call in with your questions or comments to the show at

Toll Free 1-866-820-5528


Locally 702-731-1230
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