Alias professions?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what type of alias professions work when a casino employee asks you what you're doing for a living.

On the one hand, the chosen profession should justifiy your ability to play (and lose) big amounts of money, but it should not be too threatening. Like "mathematician, with a focus on statistics" would probably not be the top ;) Or maybe something that makes the casino want to leave you alone, like personal injury lawyer?

Another problem is that you must be able to play your role in a convincing manner. Imagine:
- Dealer (dealing): And what's your job?
- Player (getting a 10): I'm a heart surgeon.
- Dealer (still dealing): Impressing, what is the most delicate operation you've ever performed?
- Player (getting a second 10 v. 5, and converting the RC to TC while this damn dealer keeps asking stupid questions): hum... well, you know, the one when you repair the heart by replacing the defective things with artificial things... so that the other things keep going...
- Dealer : ... o_O
(Player splits)

Any experience to share as to what works and what does not?



Well-Known Member

Unless you're way too young to have a real job or are playing way over your head vis a vis your earnings, just go with the truth. There's no reason to ever bring up your occupation. I may have been asked maybe once by the pit in about 25 years of playing and I think that was just conversation.
But if you do want to stop that line of questioning, just say you are a proctologist and that's why it seems like you have your head up your ass sometimes.


Well-Known Member
certain parts of the country

Actually, some casinos use this as a form of harassment. When they found out that you are card counting, they come over and try to distract you with dumb questions. Most dealers won't ask you what you do for a living. Usually, it will be the pit boss from my experiences.


Well-Known Member
I get aked constantly what I DO..

be truthful yeah right,I play blackajck for a living.
I really do not think that will fly as Iam sure most
other professionals will agree.

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
all the time

I get asked what I do for a living ALL THE TIME...You just have to be creative and think of something that makes sense and that you know enough about to discuss without sounding like a total idiot...and a profession that the pit or dealer does not need help with.... "I am a doctor" "good we just had a medical emergeny in the other pit come with us" SH*T SM


Well-Known Member

If you're playing green or black, you want them to think you're rich and dumb. Pick a profession where you can make good money without necessarily being particularly intelligent -- e.g. real estate broker, insurance agent, sales, etc. I certainly wouldn't go with, say, brain surgeon, math professor, or even lawyer or doctor. I usually say "sales."
Homeland Security

Many doctors will not get involved in medical emergencies becuase their insurance might not cover it. Besides you can just tell him you're a proctologist, nobody will want you touching them after that.

I tell them I'm an engineering consultant working for the Department of Homeland Security, can't say about what. I really am an engineer so I can talk the talk and walk the walk.


Well-Known Member
One guy once said

One guy once said he had said he was a personal injury lawyer and was left surprisingly alone and undisturbed... Do you think this would work?



Well-Known Member
Try IRS Auditor....

Keeps the table empty, PC's avoid you like the plague. However, sometimes have trouble getting a dealer to deal to you as well.


Big Cowboy

Well-Known Member

There are a lot of rich doctors and lawyers who don't know a thing about gambling. Just say you're a urologist. They get to stick their fingers both in the front and back. No one will want to talk about those things.


Well-Known Member
That's my line

Phantom, though I never have used it with a pit boss, I have used it with a ploppy or two trying to pick me up on the tables. Also works very well with an annoying neighbor on a plane.

I think this is one of the most asked question I recieve. I think having a good story which is as simple, and as close to the truth, as possible is a necessity.
