Back in the Saddle Again


Well-Known Member
After a couple of years away from BJ, I'm at it again.

It feels a bit odd to have to bust out the BS tables and drill, drill, drill, to get my speed back up. I'm about 95% accurate at 35 hands per minute, but I can remember when I was 100% at 40+ hands. At least it's coming back more easily than learning in the first place. My counting is rusty too. I'm OK with a slow dealer, but get behind at a fast table. That too will come back in a matter of weeks, I know.

And I'm rereading Modern Blackjack II, this time on my Kindle. Thanks, Norm, for such a great contribution to the BJ community.

What's exciting to me is that I have a better perspective on the game than before. I'm more realistic. I know what a bad streak feels like, and that it's part of the game. I think I have a much deeper understanding of the practical implications of probability in the game. I have a better sense of what to expect.

Perhaps my time off has established a platform from which I'll take my game to a new level. Time will tell.

Anyway, it's nice to be back. Hello, world!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back StandardD.

I am a little confused about the 35 hands per minute reference. Is that on some sort of practice site or something?



Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
Hi, KJ! Yes, I am using the drills in Casino Verite.
Ok, yes I got ya. Don't feel bad about hitting the flashcards. I have only been on 'break' for 7 weeks and I am hitting flashcard again as well. As a matter of fact I hit them once a week even when I play everyday. ;)


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
And I'm rereading Modern Blackjack II, this time on my Kindle. Thanks, Norm, for such a great contribution to the BJ community.
When I read this, I got pretty excited to see that MBII was on the Kindle...but I couldn't find it on the Amazon site for Kindle format. I see Volume I is available, but not II. How did you score that?


Well-Known Member
Wow, this sure is a blast from the past. Welcome back SD! the one member I can sincerely welcome back after the stupidity of the last few weeks.


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
When I read this, I got pretty excited to see that MBII was on the Kindle...but I couldn't find it on the Amazon site for Kindle format. I see Volume I is available, but not II. How did you score that?
Maybe it was MB I. I thought it was the second edition, but I might be mistaken. Thanks for alerting me to that.


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
Maybe it was MB I. I thought it was the second edition, but I might be mistaken. Thanks for alerting me to that.
No problemo. My hopes were up, but I'll probably snag MB I for the Kindle anyways...very convenient for that plane ride to Vegas.

I think there is a function on the MB II page on Amazon where you can tell Norm that we want it on Kindle. Maybe if we get enough input for that, he'll make it happen.