Best Las Vegas casinos to play Blackjack

LVB of course

I jest... so sorry you are no longer allowed in my favorite venue.
Will you ever let us know what happened? Or at least steer me in the right direction so I don't face the same fate.
best wishes DL

LV Bear

Big W backoff

Will you ever let us know what happened?

Very polite backoff. The person backing me off told me that the casino manager had decided I had won "enough" there, and I wasn't permitted to play any more. No guards, no hassles, no subsequent trouble at other related venues.

Other casinos should learn from the Western the proper way to handle a backoff. Under previous administrations there, all but one of my backoffs had been handled similarly. Only once did the Big W ever use a guard to hassle me, way back when the big pit boss who would sleep standing at the pit stand was still there, probably four years ago.


Well-Known Member
I have been chased out by a heavy

so its not always so pretty. lucky my friend pulled
up in front and I ran into the car as we speed away with
mucho chips.
they also do not allow shades to be worn.


Well-Known Member
Shades are the least of it

> ...they also do not allow shades to be worn.

They are also very opposed players to wearing hats, wigs, or fake beards, although you will not be barred for that alone.


how would they know? Do you have to walk thru a beard-testing booth before entering the pit area? :)

Of course if your beard is glued onto the side of your head rather than on your face, I suppose they might figure this out...

please stop by the "rug inspection booth over there on your right." If our test for a "rug" is too invasive, you are entitled to a free visit to the hair transplant/plug unit right next door. :)


Well-Known Member

> Do you have to walk thru a beard-testing booth before entering
> the pit area? :)

In my case it was a little more obvious. Many years ago the holiday spirit captured my soul and I played a session at the Western in my Santa suit - complete with hat, beard, wig, and boots. Although the session was fairly uneventful, the walk from Fremont Street to the Western was quite strange. Most of the vagrants yelled at me "Nice costume! Who you gonna mug?" or "Why ain't you come to my house again dis year, man?!" Although I normally don't mind a little attention, I would prefer to be invisible to the dawdlers that inhabit those few blocks, especially when my session bankroll could easily sustain them for at least six months. The only thing that makes me more uncomfortable than the discourse of derelicts is the prattle of pit bosses.

The security guard in the lifeguard-type booth at the front door was the first to notice, but he didn't seem quite sure what to do. He sat up, poised, ready, confused. The heat didn't come until I sat down and dropped a fistful of twenties on the table. Needless to say, the pit critters were not at all amused. There are only two reasons that people walk into the Western wearing a disguise: either they are trying to hide from you or they are trying to hide from someone outside. I can assure you that both kinds of people get watched very closely at the Western. They demanded that I remove each piece individually until my face was clearly visible. When one of the pit bosses recognized me he began laughing and explained the situation to the others. Somehow none of us thought it was terribly funny. I guess the holiday spirit had worn off somewhere around 8th Street.

I feel much more comfortable telling this story now that almost all of the staff at the Western have been replaced. Currently only a lone dealer and a cashier still remember this incident. The cashier still calls me "Santa Man" so I call her "Chatty Cashy."

seems that

I had heard about such an incident from someone else within the past couple of years. This person described the incident pretty much as you did, so it is nice to know who the "BJ santa" really was... The person I am mentioning (but not naming) claimed to have been playing there when this happened, although I suspect it has probably happened more than once that time of year. :)

I got plenty of heat playing there spreading 1-5 red using KO. They counted the discard tray, gave me dirty looks, made the dealer shuffle on a huge plus count.

From my experiences they are very wise to any advantage players. The bosses hover around the incompetent dealers watching everything. Any variance in play causes immediate concern.

Perhaps a disguise like a street bum would work for awhile like pretending to blow a govt. check or something.

If anything it's amusing to play there with the bosses constantly abusing the fresh off the boat female Chinese dealers who speak barely any English. There's one African-American boss who is especially brutal on these poor girls.

Personally, the EC is pretty much impossible to play at and I spread 1-5 red. I can't imagine the trouble a 1-5 green spread or higher would cause at this place.

They have upgraded their sports book though, if you don't mind some bum sleeping next to you. It's actually a nice place to watch games.
The Western is dangerous

Walking there from the EC is very risky and not advised. Lots of bums and street thugs. Is your life really worth it just to play some good single deck? My last time there we literally had to run down the middle of the street to get away from the predators that were zeroing in on us as easy marks. I would carry a gun if I ever went to this place again. I know people will think I am paranoid or overreacting, but that place is scary and there are lots of bad people both inside and outside.
He's not the toughest

If anything it's amusing to play there with the bosses constantly abusing the fresh off the boat female Chinese dealers who speak barely any English. There's one African-American boss who is especially brutal on these poor girls.

The bespectacled asian woman whom dealers refer to as "mom" is the worst. I can say that I have benefitted from flustered new girls who had just been brutalized by mom. Can't say more than that.