Black Jack now at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek


Well-Known Member
good joke?

Is this a joke or what? I was under the impression that florida casinos that carry blackjack are mostly unplayable. This place must be hard up for players to come to a site like this and bait newbees to come and play. I hope someone does go there and walk around and scout out the place and report back to the proper part of the forum as to the playability.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
In FL the Seminoles have a monopoly on BJ and they are not about to offer a good game.
It really does suck, and most of them are in the same place which is down towards Miami. If someone opened a land based casino down here on the other side of where im at i would spend the 4 hours driving to there then the game that Seminole provides.

SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
RE: BJ @ Coconut Creek

I can't imagine the games are worth playing. I frequently go to Seminole Casino Immokalee which features very few tables without CSMs, and still the conditions are bad $25/8D/S17/DAS/NoRSA/ASM/75-80pct Pen. They realize they have a bad game. The tables I observed tonight featured the dealer willingly showing the burn card without request. Immokalee is so slow that any action is certain to gain immediate heat. I immagine Coconut Creek will be the same. Your best best is to hope for dealer errors at Coconut Creek. I'm curious if they will offer other tables games such as 3CP, Let It Ride, etc.


Well-Known Member
southAP said:
It really does suck, and most of them are in the same place which is down towards Miami. If someone opened a land based casino down here on the other side of where im at i would spend the 4 hours driving to there then the game that Seminole provides.
Don't they offer BJ at Hard Rock Tampa?


Well-Known Member
SWFL Blackjack said:
I can't imagine the games are worth playing. I frequently go to Seminole Casino Immokalee which features very few tables without CSMs, and still the conditions are bad $25/8D/S17/DAS/NoRSA/ASM/75-80pct Pen. They realize they have a bad game. The tables I observed tonight featured the dealer willingly showing the burn card without request. Immokalee is so slow that any action is certain to gain immediate heat. I immagine Coconut Creek will be the same. Your best best is to hope for dealer errors at Coconut Creek. I'm curious if they will offer other tables games such as 3CP, Let It Ride, etc.
At 80% and above that does not sound too hateful. As stated above, it sounds like a typical AC game, maybe a little better.


The games really do suck at the hardrock, better off going to the islands or Mississippi to play. At least they show you the cards, not some preshuffled Bs they use, who knows if the decks dont come stacked!!! Think Coconut Creek is all CSM's anyway!!!
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Well-Known Member
WABJ11 said:
Don't they offer BJ at Hard Rock Tampa?
yea they do, but anything less than $25 dollars a hand is CSM, although somewhere i here i read that if you get there really early on a weekday the LL tables are 8 deck.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
They are H17 games — not playable.
But not on the basis of H17 alone, I presume. In fact, wouldn't most games offered today, maybe even 6:5, be playable with sufficient pen? That's my belief, but I am asking.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Of course H17 is completely playable with good pen. As discussed on the board before, LS is much more valuable to the counter than S17. Unfortunately, the game in question is most likely H17 no LS and no RSA. The best pen you'll likely find at any Seminole properties is 7/8, which is still pretty awful considering the $15-25 minimums and atrocious rules. The game is beatable, but you'd be better off buying a plane ticket to Vegas and staying an extra day to make enough EV to cover the trip expense.

SWFL Blackjack

Well-Known Member
aslan said:
At 80% and above that does not sound too hateful. As stated above, it sounds like a typical AC game, maybe a little better.
Very true, but there are only like 4 non-CSM games, all in the same pit, and as soon as you raise your bet, the pit's eyes are fixed on you. Not to mention you need a decent sized bankroll to play at $25 mins, something unfortunately I cannot afford quite yet.