BlackJack eXtreme now on Facebook


Active Member
We've got a ring game version of BlackJack eXtreme up and running on Facebook. Like the sit and go, it's a flash game, no download required. You will have to have at least the minimal Facebook access.

It's a come and go table, and uses 2 standard decks shuffling 3/4 into the shoe.
So card counters, please let us know if counting gives you an edge in this game.


Well-Known Member
King JSTAT not on Facebook? I would've thought you'd be out corrupting the minds of new counters on there just like you are on Myspace, Twitter, and on here from time to time.


itakeyourmoney said:
King JSTAT not on Facebook? I would've thought you'd be out corrupting the minds of new counters on there just like you are on Myspace, Twitter, and on here from time to time.
Facebook is for my friends only. Slanderers are not my friends. You will never be a friend of mine on Facebook. Anyone stupid enough to not know what a "toke"(tip) is, probably can't count his way out of a Ziplock bag. :laugh:
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Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Facebook is for my friends only. Slanderers are not my friends. You will never be a friend of mine on Facebook. Anyone stupid enough to know not what a "toke"(tip) is, probably can't count his way out of Ziplock bag. :laugh:
Why would someone be in a ziplock bag? :confused:


Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Can't get in if not a member of Facebook.
Facebook is for my friends only. Slanderers are not my friends. You will never be a friend of mine on Facebook.
So you're not a member of Facebook, yet Facebook is for your friends only...

I was confused as to how he could only be friends with his friends on Facebook without having a Facebook account, but now it all makes sense: JSTAT simply doesn't have any friends.