"Buying" Doubles and Splits

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
Through this site, I have become a bit of a Fred Renzey-ac. In his online column as well as his book "Blackjack Bluebook," Renzey encourages players to "buy" advantageous doubles and splits that other players refuse to take.

Unfortunately, in Washington State, these practices are not legal and as such not allowed. I tried to do this last night and got chastised a bit by the pit boss. I don't remember what he called it, but clearly it was a no-no.

There are some other wierd gambling laws here. For example, internet gambling is ILLEGAL. People in Washington State who place bets on the Internet can be charged with Professional Gambling in the Third Degree, which is a gross misdemeanor.

no buying doubles


I was wondering where you played at that wouldn't let you double down other player's hands. Also, how discrete were you about it... what I mean is, did you literally yell across the table that you wanted to double someone's 11 vs. a 6 or did you just ask the guy next to you very casually. Just wondering



Well-Known Member
I play a lot at AmeriStar in Kansas City. I get a kick out of playing at the $3-$100 tables up there but those tables draw a lot of rookies and they generally know nothing other than that they have to put $3 in the circle each time they get a hand. In the process of helping them with a first introduction to Basic Strategy, I have told them to Split or Double and sense their reluctance to expose themselves to such a large gamble <LOL>. Without fail, when I tell them that if they won't put their own money out there, that I'll buy their double or split. Every time I've done that, the rookie has ante'd up so I've never been able to do it. But in making that offer, I've never had a dealer jump in and say it was not allowed.

That is significant at AmeriStar because it is against State Law for anyone to loan anyone else chips or even to sell anyone else chips. Has to do with them tracking how much players have bought in with during any 2-hour period. Law states that no player may buy in for more than $500 during any 2-hour period. Wins and losses on machines are tracked on the "Star Awards" card that every player must have in order to gain entrance to the casino and those cards have to be used in the machines and must be presented to the dealer at tables games when buying in.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
JJcoolL830 said:

I was wondering where you played at that wouldn't let you double down other player's hands. Also, how discrete were you about it... what I mean is, did you literally yell across the table that you wanted to double someone's 11 vs. a 6 or did you just ask the guy next to you very casually. Just wondering
I have played at three casinos in Washington State. One here in Pullman, one in Spokane and one in the Tri Cities. I have always been discreet, and they have always told me with no shadow of a doubt that it was not allowed.

Now I was never sure if it was just house rules, so I inquired again last Friday night.I was told it is against Washington State Law. I didn't have anything to write down exactly what he said, but I remember it had the word "bank" in it, and I have been looking for it since.

Now I have seen people buy splits before, and when I asked the question the dealer said, "well splits are ok" and the pit boss said.. "no no no... they are illegal."

I will find the law and post it when I do.


Well-Known Member
It's splitting hairs. In Missouri, you definitely wouldn't be allowed to "loan" chips to a fellow player to make a split or double-down. However, if it is clear that you are wagering YOUR money on another persons hand with the intent of collecting any winnings from that part of the wager, I would think they would allow it. I've just never had the opportunity to exploit the gambit.

I'll make it a point to find out for sure from the Pit Bosses (I know them all up there) what the casino policy is on such plays. I'll be going back up there Nov 4th.