Casinos in China and S. Korea?


I am going to China and then South Korea this summer for 3 months. I will be arriving in Beijing and travelling to Shanghai over a 3-week period. Then, I will fly to Seoul. Anybody know anything about Casinos there?


Gambling is illegal in most Asian countries except 2 places as I know, Macau and Malaysia. Singapore government just announced that they are going to legalize gambling and 2 new casino resorts will be built before 2008.

When playing blackjack at Macau casinos, they only allow double on 10 and 11 and there's a special rule that the player always win on 5 cards without bust.


New Member
Asian Casinos

Just for info, Korea and Philippines also have Casinos. Indonesia a lot of illegal ones, but you wouldn't want to win too much money there (if you know what I mean).