Counting Lessons


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we have all heard stories of how Zengrifter and Qfit had lessons with Lawrence Revere at his house in Las Vegas. With Norm's excellent CVBJ with so many different training tools, I think the need for in person lessons like that may be unnecessary. Where can you go today to get similar training in person? I only need help with my deck estimation....I think I'm probably good enough for shoe games, but using half and quarter deck resolution for SD and DD games, respectively has proven to be a challenge for me. Especially SD doesn't matter that much if you are in between 3 and 4 decks left in a shoe game, but being off by 1/4 deck in SD can be huge!

I'm using Norm's excellent FELT count and although I can count very very fast with this system and I have no problems doing the division and fractional multiplication when necessary, I'm rather insecure about my deck estimation abilities.


Well-Known Member
boneuphtoner said:
Where can you go today to get similar training in person? I only need help with my deck estimation....I think I'm probably good enough for shoe games, but using half and quarter deck resolution for SD and DD games, respectively has proven to be a challenge for me. Especially SD doesn't matter that much if you are in between 3 and 4 decks left in a shoe game, but being off by 1/4 deck in SD can be huge!
Not sure an "in-person" teacher is even necessary for this. Buy used cards from the casino you play at most (most sell these in their gift shops), and practice noticing what [1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, ... ] decks look like and "quiz" yourself by placing a random amount and rounding to the nearest quarter deck, and checking if you're correct.


Well-Known Member
assume_R said:
Not sure an "in-person" teacher is even necessary for this.
I'll even go so far as to say that you'll probably just be wasting your money. Deck estimation is one of those things that really can't be taught, you'll just slowly but surely get better as time goes on.

If you really DO want to waste money on this; some of the leaders of the old MIT team have taken to running blackjack schools. Last I heard the cost was around $500 or so. But like I said, you probably won't learn much more than you already know. However, what you WILL learn is the TRUTH about how those guys REALLY made their money. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
If you really DO want to waste money on this; some of the leaders of the old MIT team have taken to running blackjack schools. Last I heard the cost was around $500 or so. But like I said, you probably won't learn much more than you already know. However, what you WILL learn is the TRUTH about how those guys REALLY made their money. :laugh:
Oh really? Do tell, I would love to know the TRUTH behind how those ruthless shills over at MIT really made their money. I personally think the whole MIT team thing was a scam to fool people into thinking that counting was a viable way to make money playing bj in the casino.

Or maybe they were really just resourceful, intelligent people who for a few years pounded the hell out of a very beatable game with a very simple but powerful approach. When the game dried up for them maybe some adapted to other forms of play, maybe some went civilian, and maybe some decided to sell their knowledge and tried making a business out of bj instead of playing it. In my most humble opinion however, either option sure beats being a jealous fringe playing sucker.

Of course this is all just speculation on my part.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Oh really? Do tell, I would love to know the TRUTH behind how those ruthless shills over at MIT really made their money. I personally think the whole MIT team thing was a scam to fool people into thinking that counting was a viable way to make money playing bj in the casino.

Or maybe they were really just resourceful, intelligent people who for a few years pounded the hell out of a very beatable game with a very simple but powerful approach. When the game dried up for them maybe some adapted to other forms of play, maybe some went civilian, and maybe some decided to sell their knowledge and tried making a business out of bj instead of playing it. In my most humble opinion however, either option sure beats being a jealous fringe playing sucker.

Of course this is all just speculation on my part.:rolleyes:
Your finesse improves with each and every post! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Oh really? I personally think the whole MIT team thing was a scam to fool people into thinking that counting was a viable way to make money playing bj in the casino.
Imagine scamming 100 people into believing that card counting is the road to quick riches. Then you get them to go out and go to work for you. If each one of them only averages $200 a week and splits it with you, that's ten grand in YOUR pocket.

I have to give them credit though - they may or may not have been good counters, but they certainly were some pretty sharp businessmen.


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Imagine scamming 100 people into believing that card counting is the road to quick riches. Then you get them to go out and go to work for you. If each one of them only averages $200 a week and splits it with you, that's ten grand in YOUR pocket.
Uh, what the hell does that have to do with the MIT team? If somebody gives you money to play, you damn well better split it with them. Thats not a scam, its called working as a team.
I have to give them credit though - they may or may not have been good counters, but they certainly were some pretty sharp businessmen.
Well I bet they all feel better now that YOU give them credit. Quite a kudos :rolleyes: As far as if they could count.........please. And yeah some are now pretty sharp businessmen. As well as some still being pretty fair AP's..........but I'm sure you knew that didn't ya.


Well-Known Member
Damn MIT team!!!!

I dont think the MIT stuff really happened.... "kinda like landing on the moon" did we or didnt we???? Hell i never saw either things happen in person....
Is Elvis really dead??? Casino "Suits" are way to smart to let some "kids" beat them out of money....kinda like nowdays....aint nobody beating nobody out of nuttin.....:p:laugh:
I think most of them MIT guys were gay anyways ....weren't they???? I mean MIT???
Aren't they the kind of guys portrayed on the "Big Bang Theory TV show??? By the way , my favorite show ...right behind 2 and a half men.....
Naw i bet most of them guys, if it did happen are still living at home with mom... Probably wondering what its like to get laid...Poor bastards...ya gotta feel sorry for them...
Anybody for sure know," like personally", if that stuff really happened and if so,,,,, what they might be doing right now.. Probably NASA geeks....
Inquiring minds want to know :whip:



Well-Known Member
That's what I love about Maz - Someone makes a statement AGREEING with him, and he's such a contrarian that he has to turn it around & start arguing AGAINST his original position. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Adm. Buckles said:
Not to speak for MAZ, but I read that bit you quoted as sarcasm Sucker
Not at all. It just shows that he has the ability to see both sides of an argument; one of the more stimulating ways to provoke diversity of thought.

I consider Maz to be my friend.
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Well-Known Member
boneuphtoner said:
Where can you go today to get similar training in person? I only need help with my deck estimation....I think I'm probably good enough for shoe games, but using half and quarter deck resolution for SD and DD games, respectively has proven to be a challenge for me. Especially SD doesn't matter that much if you are in between 3 and 4 decks left in a shoe game, but being off by 1/4 deck in SD can be huge!

I'm using Norm's excellent FELT count and although I can count very very fast with this system and I have no problems doing the division and fractional multiplication when necessary, I'm rather insecure about my deck estimation abilities.
I would be more than happy to practice with you as I am a little insecure too with deck estimation and true count conversions. I am getting more proficient with tons of practice, practice and more practice!