Dealer showing hole card - Best strategy?


I have found a dealer that fairly consistantly allows her hole card to be seen. This has been advantagious to the player who notice but I haven't figured out how to use it to its fullest advantage. Any suggestions?




Staff member
Other than Grosjean's Beyond Counting, have other books published the appropriate hole-card strategy? I think one of Uston's books covered this, albeit with some errors.
steve_m426 said:
I have found a dealer that fairly consistantly allows her hole card to be seen. This has been advantagious to the player who notice but I haven't figured out how to use it to its fullest advantage.
First of all, you should already know BS.

Here's a simplified strategy for holecard play -

Don't hit hard 17 or higher unless you've got a good drunk act going... which you should try to achieve BECAUSE some of the plays look really strange if you don't appear drunk.

If the dealer holds 17+ do not double.
If the dealer holds 5,6,13,14 split 2s-As EXCEPT 10s and double A2-8
If the dealer holds 15,16 split (and re-split) 10s and double A9
If the dealer holds 10-11 stand at 15
If the dealer holds 7-9 stand at 17

I'm not sure what hands I forgetting to cover here. With 100% holcard read you should have about 6% edge with the simplified strategy... which means you can bet about 1/50th of your BR on each hand.

Now, send me a private message via this board and tell me where the game/flasher is at! zg
KenSmith said:
Other than Grosjean's Beyond Counting, have other books published the appropriate hole-card strategy? I think one of Uston's books covered this, albeit with some errors.
The errors in Uston and Braun were primarily error in estimate of the holecard player advantage - Uston's and Braun's estimates were low because they forgot to factor in the gain from perfect insurance bets. zg


Well-Known Member
steve_m426 said:

I have found a dealer that fairly consistantly allows her hole card to be seen. This has been advantagious to the player who notice but I haven't figured out how to use it to its fullest advantage. Any suggestions?


Since I have never been in this situation, I would think that it would be almost impossible to take complete advantage. Obviously, if you have a 14 and you see that the dealers 10 on top has a 5 in the hole you would stay. If the card is an 8 you would hit. If you start hitting 19 because you see the dealer has 20, it won't be long before there will be a lot of management surrounding the table. As soon as they recognize, the dealers mistake, they will correct it. I think it would be very helpful in deciding to double or split. I don't think I would split or double my hands if I knew, I was playing against a 10/10. Be careful on when you use this knowledge. You can probably get a lot out of it but the more people you tell, the sooner word will get out and this dealer will be 'fixed' or gone.

I can just see pro's lining up at this dealers table waiting for an empty seat to the left or right. haha!

"Dealer must be paying out today!"

I know this must be rare but what kind of things do you look for when you have a possible flasher? Lazy hands? =)
Dreambeever said:
I can just see pro's lining up at this dealers table waiting for an empty seat to the left or right. haha! I know this must be rare but what kind of things do you look for when you have a possible flasher? Lazy hands? =)
On at least a few occaisions I paid a ploppy to let me have my luck third base seat.

For starters - look for break-ins, tall dealers, short dealers, dealers with long fingernails, and older dealers who grow weary and hold the deck as they prop their deck hand up on there elbow on their abdomen. zg


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't something similar work in shoe games when the dealer goes to check for BJ? That wouldn't be as good as the other situation but still helpful.
Thank you Zengrifter & Teldoc for the input.
I am curious as to how you arrived at the 6% advantage?
As far as sharing the details.... I think I will play this one alone for a little while before I give it away. I am sure once I share the situation will be short lived.

steve_m426 said:
I am curious as to how you arrived at the 6% advantage?
The same way EVERYTHING IN BJ is arrived at - computer simulation. My estimate based on my knowledge of the already calculated 'expected-value. zg