Defining a ploppy


Well-Known Member
In reading posts here, I find many of us have a wide variation in just who we define as a "ploppy." For some, it is anyone who is not a proficient AP, for myself an amatuer, a tourist and a good basic strategy player may not necessarily be a ploppy and for others there are other requirements.

In my mind, to qualify for the esteemed position of ploppy, one must first of all of have a severe degree of "know it all" attitude combined with just enough knowledge and lack of understanding of the game, to sound like they know what they are talking about when they tell everyone what to do.
He is the, someone has to take a hit, you ruined a perfectly good 18 (works for both soft 18 and splitting 9's), the you took the dealers bust card and the you ruined the flow guy, besides tons of others.
He will let everyone know just how you messed up the table.

Somehow, he knew that that 10 was coming out before the 5 that made the dealers hand and it will cause the rest of the shoe to be bad for the *team.
*He is not only a team player but the self appointed leader of the team.
Though I played team sports in school, I never quite understood his team concept since no team member has shared my losses or asked to share my wins in the past.
Ploppys come it seems in all ages, sexes, races and financial groups. Female ploppys generally annoy me the most but male ones have one additional quality not found in female ploppys; that is by being born male they naturally know how to play blackjack better than any mere girl and will be there to consistantly tell me what I did wrong.

So, for me a ploppy is a know it all, non AP, who's greatest pleasure is telling everyone around him just how to play a game that he actually does not know how to play.

Victoria (who was once named by a ploppy as the "Queen of the anti-flow" Whatever the hell that is.

I think you're overdefining it. I think the word you're looking for is 'jerk'.

I've always thought 'ploppy' to be needlessly offensive-sounding, but I use it. Who am I to say how someone wants to spend their money? The reason I use it is because the alternative, 'civilian', is too cliche. Almost every bj book, especially from the 70s, equates card counting with some military conflict. I'll talk to my brother about some recent casino adventure, and he'll usually interrupt me and ask, "But Rob, was it like war?!" Hardy har, good times, good tim... well, I guess you have to be there.

So, using 'civilian' makes me feel silly. Anyway,'ploppy' to me just means a non-AP.

"Queen of the anti-flow" - that's actually pretty funny. Maybe I had to be there.

Big Cowboy

Well-Known Member
Ploppy Attitude

So Victoria, I'm just curious as to how you deal with your kind of "ploppys." I can easily relate to all the characteristics you described because I have been around ploppys everywhere I go. They show up and act like they gamble for "fun," and they are the smart ones. Believe me stupidly throwing money to the house is not my idea of fun. If I am winning, I can handle smoke being blown up my nose, listening to nonstop whining, being insulted regularly, etc. They only seem to annoy me when I'm losing, and then it seems as though everything they do just causes me to lose some more. I have no compassion for ploppys. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to learn basic strategy at the very least or to just go to the casino gift shop and buy a basic strategy guide card.


Well-Known Member
dealing with the boneheads any ideas?

last week and lady playing beside me
a know it type who gambles
daily and says to the dealer don't deal
another round thats the rules.
Boy o Boy, I explained that if we get another
round it could benefit us and if she
didn't want to play it to sit out.
The lady went a little mental and could
not understand this at all,and kept
preaching THATS THE RULES. What to do?
Also quite frequently is rookies telling us
good players how to play,"why you hitting, why you standing,
why you splitting,you screwed it up for us.

How do you all handle these boneheads?
Ignore only goes so far.
Reminds me of a dealer story...

A female dealer giving me to much advice, telling me when and when not to split 9's etc.- I tell her "Look, I don't need any advice on gambling from a female." She was pissed but she left me alone afer that. That was a weird night- I remember dealing with this mean-old-man AP at that same table that night, disdainfully glaring at me and puffing his cigar every move I made.

To me a ploppy is a non-AP, non-Basic Strategy player. A BS player is doing OK with a decent comp program.
an opinion...

my definition:

ploppy. noun. obnoxious player that may or may not know about basic strategy, may or may not even know the complete rules of the game, and may or may not be superstitious and all the other things common to gamblers. But the most important point is obnoxious. As in rude. insulting. complaining about everything from someone making a sound BS play to a player walking away from the table before the shuffle...

non-AP players are perfectly OK in general. Most are polite, and often make the table "fun". But a rare few ascend (descend) to the level of "ploppy" and make the game about as enjoyable as a rectal exam...


Well-Known Member
a ploppy is a ploppy is a ploppy...

I respectfully disagree.

There are two principal types of blackjack players - (1) proficient APs, and (2) losers (I omit a third, statistically insignificant, category - cheaters).

"Ploppy" is the term generally used by APs to describe the losers who repeatedly "plop" their money on the table and watch it go down the hole. There are nice ploppies. There are mean ploppies. There are ploppies that stand on 15 v. 7 and double on A2 v. 2 and lose their money quickly. There are a select few ploppies (1 in 100?) that play correct basic strategy and gradually lose over time. All of them, however, are ploppies.
Ploppies = life blood of counters

Counters only exist because of ploppies. That is true now and true back in the 60's and 70's. If everyone was playing perfect basic strategy or counting, the house would hard pressed to support the game.

Ploppies are the continous IV that allows the AVP to exist. Everytime you encounter a ploppy you should say to yourself "Thank you for coming to this casino and being such a dumb ass. You keep me in business. God bless you when you split tens against a dealer 10."

If I am wrong or out of line with this post I challenge any of you whiners to refute my position. Furthermore, I respectfully ask The Mayor to not allow anymore posts about ploppies on this forum. I think there are far more important issues to discuss. Just my take, sorry if I offended anyone. VC.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

>Furthermore, I respectfully ask The Mayor to not allow anymore posts about ploppies on this forum. I think there are far more important issues to discuss.

I think the subject of "ploppies" is important for blackjack. I don't know which posting guideline this discussion violates, but if you think it violates a guideline, you are welcome to argue that point.

>Just my take, sorry if I offended anyone. VC.

It is very difficult to go through life without offending people. If people get offended by something I do or say, my approach is to say: "what is it in you that is just like the thing you are offended by". This is called "projection" and is a classical principle of modern psychology.



Well-Known Member
One time

Here is something that happened with a woman ploppy that I might have put on this board a while ago. Do not exactly remember the cards hit but do remember the result.

For Automatic Monkey, this is a case where a perfect Basic Strategy player is a pure ploppy in my opinion.

This lady only plays at third base, plays perfect basic strategy and yells, screams, relentlessly carries on when anyone deviates from B.S. We are playing near the end of a shoe which went negative and I am at first base. Get a nine vs a dealer 3, but the count being so low I decide to hit and not double. Immediately she starts talking about how bad of a play it is and I should really learn how to play before sitting on a green chip table and on and on. Meanwhile I think I hit a 2 and then a 9 or a 10 for a 20 or 21. She is pat with something around 18, the dealer lands up with 13 hits a 6 and beats her while I get a win. She is now loud, I took the bust card, etc, etc. The dealer has asked her to stop, the pit is walking over slowly and I calmly ask her to give me her chips. She responds with a "What?" I say, "if you want me to play your way I will but only with your money." Dealer puts his head down hiding his laugh, pit turns away facing me smiling and shaking his head and the guy next to me says something like he had wished he had said that.

This woman had earlier complained to the pit about several dealers, complained to the pit boss about someone in the pit, complained about every player who played with her.

Now I got away with this easily, and have done the same thing with an annoying guy once but I think if it were a guy on guy thing with loads of testosterone flying, the results might be quite different.

I am not sure, but I think that incident (smaller strip place) has given me at least temporary tolerance on that shift.

Generally, I either take it or use what I call my death stare. I have been tempted many times to let that ploppy jerk know that he is not dealing with some amatuer but that is self destructive.

There is a very special place in my heart for the ploppy dealer. The jerk who when you hit your 12 vs 2 and bust and the next card makes his hand, picks up your bust card and semi places it on his hand to show you that you screwed up, or he sides with his regular ploppys who jump on you.



Well-Known Member
rat and I seem to agree

I think stainless steel rat and I are on the same page. To me calling every non AP a ploppy dilutes the negativity of the word. A nice guy who just does not know how to play is a positive person for an AP and the house. We both need this guy and because I consider the word ploppy to be a bad thing, I only wish to include those who annoy me.

I guess I was right though, we do have several definitions of the term.


Well-Known Member
Embrace the ploppies

> The lady went a little mental and could not understand this at all,and kept
> preaching THATS THE RULES. What to do?

That depends. If she was the only person at the table I would bother her until she left. Then I could be alone at the table with better penetration. Otherwise I would find another table. If you can't get a decent game with her around, leave.

> Also quite frequently is rookies telling us good players how to play,"why you
> hitting, why you standing, why you splitting,you screwed it up for us.

These are some of the best players to learn from. Watch them hit a pair of aces and listen to their excuse. Watch them stand on a soft 17 and listen to their reasoning. Use these excuses later as free camouflage. When you hit a 12 vs 4, say "I just felt lucky" or "I thought I had 11." When you double down on a soft eighteen vs 3 (they HATE that!) say "Darn, that was stupid!" or "No matter what I do I keep winning! I'm going to double everything" This will give you an excuse to double down on eight or split tens later.

Remember, the casino WANTS these people there, not you. The only way to survive in the casinos is to look like the idiots they love so much. One of my best lines was screaming "I am the greatest blackjack player in the world!" when I got a blackjack on a max bet. It brought plenty of attention from the pit, but they laughed it off and thought I was just another drunken sucker making a lucky bet with too much of his paycheck at stake. The worst players are always the ones that brag the most. When was the last time you saw a card counter bragging to a floorman?



Well-Known Member
sony thks.

good ideas..
but certain dealers I know like to give
the extra rounds..and if boneheads keep telling
them to shuffle by saying that's the rules...this hurts.
the rookies must be dealt with. Thats what Iam dealing with.
A Ploppy's, a Ploppy's, a Ploppy.

Sure hope so. From my fanny pack to my plaid goodwill top, to my lucky necklace, to my bad hair, to the BS card taped to my phone and my loving spouse with a bucket of quarters buming a C. I get a lot of heat. Not from the pit but some of the other players. Chuckles, snickers, barbs, rocks, I get them all. Sometimes nice dealers have tried to cover for me. Those people in the pits seem to just wince and walk away. I think it's because I make all those stupid plays; split 4's or maybe double instead, double 11 vs. and ace, why sometimes I insure my BJ against an ace and I've been known to spit 10's. Not any ten's just naturals and then not all the time. Never know what I'm gonna do. I do seem to be ahead a few dollars and sometimes for evening dinner I can clean up real nice.


Well-Known Member
"Spitting" tens

Sorry; I was just trying to make a feeble joke based on the typo in the previous message. The idea of spitting a couple of tens onto the table whenever I wanted kind of amused me.
you may be right

I don't run into very many that I am sure are "AP"s. Of course, I have seen a few "ploppies" that after watching and playing with them, I discover that they are really APs with a "ploppy act".

So I suppose you never know whether that jerk ploppy you played with was a ploppy or an AP. :)