Well-Known Member
The Junk Heap :laugh:QFIT said:Playing around. See: (I like short urls)
Looks good, is there any plans for a chat room?
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The Junk Heap :laugh:QFIT said:Playing around. See: (I like short urls)
No plans at all unless people are interested. In that case, why not?AussiePlayer said:The Junk Heap :laugh:
Looks good, is there any plans for a chat room?
Seems like a good fit to me because it is the format we are all familiar with.AussiePlayer said:The Junk Heap :laugh:
Looks good, is there any plans for a chat room?
Sorry for narrowing the scope of your concerns. What I hear you saying is that you feel strongly about what you perceive to be the truth, and find it obligatory to rebut disinformation. I feel exactly the same way, and well beyond religious faith. Darkness has no power over even the smallest candlelight.QFIT said:Well put, but this really isn’t quite the issue. What I feel deeply about is information and rationality. What I dislike are opinions repeatedly stated as truisms based on a lack of either. I do not start political threads because they can devolve quickly. I ask that others don’t. When a thread continues, yes I have responded because I don’t like disinformation. And, I don’t like abusive behavior. Jimmy Wales (found of Wikipedia) wrote in a WSJ op-ed “Rude and abusive online behavior should not be met with silence.”
As a site becomes larger, civility can become more of a problem. But, a solvable problem. Wikipedia has over 15,000,000 named accounts. 250,000 accounts are opened each month. 300,000 of these contribute every month. And yet, the overall tone is remarkably civil and disputes are well-handled. Part of this is due to excellently written guidelines. The Civility guideline can be found at
No problem friend. We are entering the “silly season.” The start of the elections. And this, most likely, will be the nastiest election we have seen in our lifetimes. Look at how the people treat each other in the same party. I just want to keep BJ discussion free of this black cloud. We’ve had enough internal troubles without an outside reason to separate us.aslan said:Sorry for narrowing the scope of your concerns. What I hear you saying is that you feel strongly about what you perceive to be the truth, and find it obligatory to rebut disinformation. I feel exactly the same way, and well beyond religious faith. Darkness has no power over even the smallest candlelight.
And do you believe you're not guilty of this yourself?QFIT said:What I dislike are opinions repeatedly stated as truisms based on a lack of either.[/COLOR][/URL]
If you review my posts, I think you'll find I attempt to give examples and rational instead of just saying "xxx causes yyy" over and over without any rational other than I heard it somewhere. Do I sometimes fail to live up to my own standards? Of course, and I apologize for that. But, when someone makes a non-political post about costs involved in a BJ trip, I don't interject some irrelevant political opinion blaming the price of gas on someone I don't like.Craps Master said:And do you believe you're not guilty of this yourself?
A good Christian Brother returns good for evil, not insults.Jacob said:Ken, there is a legit reason for it. I posted anonymously thru Tor-Browser. That why my New Jersey ID fails to show up on your log.
See the link below for more info and explanation about Tor-Browser
Brother Aslan, oh no! Why don't you have faith in your Christian Brother with a good intention! Qfit starts to flame me by accusing me of working for a casino without proof. A flamer is a thoughtless moron, right?
No good deed goes unpunished! I represent myself. There's nothing wrong in sponsoring legit APs to a private club.
Political and religious debates often become heated pissing matches between stubborn and hard-headed opposing sides... fact of life! There are places and times when it's highly inappropriate and achieves nothing but animosity. Take for instance the time I mentioned about not being sure what sort of President Michele Bachmann would make but I sure would like to "do her" in Macy's storefront window at high noon. Obviously people take this political stuff quite seriously and that statement sent people running to pray to their little statues of Jesus and telling me I am going to hell for saying such a thing. I tried to make amends to them and console them by saying that I would gleefully pay for the abortion if I got her pregnant out of the deal but this didn't seem to help much...QFIT said:If you review my posts, I think you'll find I attempt to give examples and rational instead of just saying "xxx causes yyy" over and over without any rational other than I heard it somewhere. Do I sometimes fail to live up to my own standards? Of course, and I apologize for that. But, when someone makes a non-political post about costs involved in a BJ trip, I don't interject some irrelevant political opinion blaming the price of gas on someone I don't like.
My inner child just had a candy bar!!! Tarzan is the man. Respect sir.Tarzan said:Political and religious debates often become heated pissing matches between stubborn and hard-headed opposing sides... fact of life! There are places and times when it's highly inappropriate and achieves nothing but animosity. Take for instance the time I mentioned about not being sure what sort of President Michele Bachmann would make but I sure would like to "do her" in Macy's storefront window at high noon. Obviously people take this political stuff quite seriously and that statement sent people running to pray to their little statues of Jesus and telling me I am going to hell for saying such a thing. I tried to make amends to them and console them by saying that I would gleefully pay for the abortion if I got her pregnant out of the deal but this didn't seem to help much...
Go for it and have a forum, QFit! The thing to do is to keep it blackjack related, keep it friendly and not allow hard line hard core political and religious fantics to run amok. These topics have nothing to do with blackjack. As a matter of fact, it's difficult to even joke around about such things because people are thin-skinned and ultrasensitive. Not only should these sorts of people not be able to post on such things but may I also suggest they censor their media and avoid watching such blaspheme as "Comedy Central" on television so as not to be driven insane with hatred toward others.
Kat my friend, you are a fence sitter!.!.Katweezel said:Yes, the Tarzan is the man with the ballz to express what's on his mind in a forthright manner, in Macy's shopfront or wherever. :laugh: And may QF's site prosper where all can talk BJ, recipes and movies til they're blue in the face with nary a hint of angst. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (Seinfeld)
IMO politics is as spiritual as anyone can get. After all, that is what defines nations, defines groups of people and demonstrates exactly the kind of leaders and laws we are (temporarily) willing to put up with. Like it or not, politics reaches deep into the human spirit. Somebody doesn't want to express an opinion on their own (political) spirituality in a coherent and non-abusive manner, fine. But I notice someone who can and does, often becomes the victim of jealousy, envy and personal abuse. Cheers Q
Mac, there is no fence. There was only ever opinion and personal abuse. If this site had cracked down on personal abuse long ago, who knows; perhaps all this may not have happened the way it has. I believe the new owner of ZZ will not tolerate any personal abuse from the get go. After all, isn't basic mutual respect the very least that adults should expect from each other?Machinist said:Kat my friend, you are a fence sitter!.!.
Kat I am fading,,fading awaaaaaaaaay............answer.........yesKatweezel said:Mac, there is no fence. There was only ever opinion and personal abuse. If this site had cracked down on personal abuse long ago, who knows; perhaps all this may not have happened the way it has. I believe the new owner of ZZ will not tolerate any personal abuse from the get go. After all, isn't basic mutual respect the very least that adults should expect from each other?
Or mistake something for a corndog.:laugh:BrianCP said:Seeing as the site is going down anyways, I'll take my first and only delve into politics.
Tarzan, I couldn't do her. I'm scared that crazy might be an STD.
aslan said:A good Christian Brother returns good for evil, not insults.
There's nothing wrong in sponsoring legit APs to a private club, and there's nothing wrong with being a bit more up front. Why would or should anyone in their right mind trust an anonymous poster on a public website? QFIT and everyone else here has every right and reason to be skeptical and distrustful of propositions made by a mysterious, anonymous person. There cannot be anything personal since we don't have the slightest idea who you are-- just a few guesses. Step into the light and all these problems will disappear. Or have someone who is trusted here vouch for you. If secrecy is required, being that we don't know you, don't waste your breath as far as I'm concerned. There's one born every minute, but I'm not one of them. It never fails to amaze me that total strangers feel they deserve one's absolute trust, or how did you put it above? --"faith in your Christian Brother." Trust is based on knowledge and we don't know you. You can add me to your moron list.
I have been there so many times on this site. I make lots of jokes. I didn't used to use emoticons. Too many took them seriously. I use emoticons for all my humor, usually more than 1. There are still people who fail to realize it is humor for one reason or another. Sometimes I think it is so obvious I don't use the emoticons and it rarely goes by without someone taking it seriously.Jacob said:Brother Aslan, it seems we set a bad example for Christians, i.e., fail to forgive nor forget, right? Why can't we just drop the subject? We have frequently started wars by misunderstanding. I mistook Qfit's joke for an insult by a flamer. Qfit has already clarified his position (ie., a joke, not an insult), and I've accepted his intention as a harmless joke. War ends; there's no need to add you, myself, or Qfit onto anyone's moron list :grin:.